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This is a post from a commenter on Huffington Post. It's the kind of list that should infuriate anyone who feels the government should cater to those who vote and the country it supposedly represents.
House Bills passed:
46 Bills on Abortion
113 Bills on Religion
73 Bills on Family Relationships
36 Bills on Marriage
72 Bills on Firearms
604 Bills on Taxation
437 Bills on Govt Investigations
Bills attempted and failed to be passed even by the GOP:
33 attempts to Defund Obamacare.....Failed
15 attempts to Cut Funding for Planned Parenthood......Failed
3 Attempts to Cut Funding for VA Hospitals.......Failed.
GOP blocked bills:
Blocked bill to aid Small Business
Blocked Unemployment extension
Blocked Bank Reform Bills
Blocked Campaign Finance Reform and open Contributions Law
Blocked MULTIPLE Jobs Bills
Blocked Infrastructure Bill
Blocked Ending Tax Breaks for companies that Outsource Jobs
Blocked Wall Street Reform
Blocked Energy Legislation
Blocked Mine Safety Bill
Blocked Oil Spill Liability Cap increase
Blocked Bill to lower Oil Company Tax Breaks
Blocked Bill to impose charging American Oil Companies on Oil achieved in the Gulf
Number of TRUE Jobs Bills even allowed to come to a vote in the House....NONE.
(11,690 posts)I sent this to my list of GOP friends in an email. They will probably cheer this body of work.
That's the real sad part of all this.
(15,262 posts)It is the "beating your head against the wall" syndrome, after the first time you note it doesn't make you feel better, you can't stop nonetheless. They know they can't get this stuff into law, but they can't help themselves. Gerrymandering is a problem because they are catering to artificially created, highly-biased electorates.
(31,849 posts)your gop friends will respond only to the last point, "actual jobs bills ... zero", saying the House sent Reed (anywhere from 6 to 12, depending on their "news source" Jobs Bills, but Reed refused to bring them to a vote. That how my gop friends responded.
(11,690 posts)He devil is in the details. Unfortunately the sheep watching Fox have no ability to comprehend facts.
(45,851 posts)They actually do try to get the agenda their base elected them on enacted into law and they try to block the opposing party's agenda quite consistently.
(21,551 posts)former_con
(47 posts)Even now we are so mired in the details of what is going to be cut because the premise they laid out was that Spending is the problem... If Democrats do not counter that argument then you can't even begin to advance the notion of increased revenue.
(84,786 posts)Good to have you with us! You make a great point about the whole framing thing. Notice how they're STILL parroting the "... we have a spending problem!" crap? They've been at this for more than 30 years. They've built a HUGE political infrastructure with well-funded think-tanks, foundations, forums, radio networks, an entire 24/7/365 cable network, ALL pounding out the well-studied, focus-group-tested, thoroughly test-driven propaganda relentlessly. We don't have anything remotely like that. A 30-year head start is awfully hard to eradicate overnight.
(15,262 posts)what is necessary to keep the nation going.
My deepest analysis of the situation is that their REAL Plutocrat's purpose is to break up the United states and steal the largest reserve of natural resources in the world, the public lands in the West.
(84,786 posts)I still get pissed off thinking back to that fuckwad james watt - ronald reagan's idea of a great Secretary of the Interior.
JESUS, MARY, and JOSEPH!!!!!!!!!
james watt was the industrialists' best friend. He was THEIR idea of the DREAM Secretary of State.
He used to make speeches, with lofty language and somber church-appropriate tones of reverence, talking about how that precious, irreplaceable heritage of our national parks and forests and other public lands - should be open to ALL the people! ALL THE PEOPLE!!!
And the crowd went wild.
All the naive gullible simpletons thought that was just SO All-American! OH MAN! Freedom-freedom! That fabulous freedomy-freedomy thing, dontchaknow!
What nobody stopped to think about, and to realize, was that this bastard actually MEANT that his "ALL THE PEOPLE" schtick meant the people who were SUPPOSED TO BE locked out of our public lands and forests and national parks: the lumber industry, the mining/strip mining interests, the oil companies and drill-baby-drill contingent, people who weren't supposed to have that kind of free access to our precious natural lands!!! THAT was what he really meant by "ALL THE PEOPLE!" But the voters out there had no clue about this. They swallowed his words whole and figured that was totally on the level. And it just sounded SO great and freedomy and inclusive and wonderful, and MAN were they sold a bill o' goods.
(550 posts)Boehner's Boners
(10,201 posts)I have had enough of the right wing to last me a thousand lifetimes....I truly do hope there is a heaven and hell and that I end up in what they consider hell...because to spend any more time with these assholes AFTER my body dies would truly be torture...
(15,069 posts)the so called "liberal media" can't be bothered to slam any puke bag republican House member who lies out of his or her butt about how they are only focused on jobs and slam the president and democrats for whatever BS they are screaming about at any given time is maddening.
(53,661 posts)The Wielding Truth
(11,423 posts)MynameisBlarney
(2,979 posts)This will be going to my facebooks today for sure.
Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)Liberalynn
(7,549 posts)russspeakeasy
(6,539 posts)toby jo
(1,269 posts)Joke's on them - the status quo was chock full of rebels and intellectuals who save the spirit by passing it on down the line
(4,456 posts)need to eradicate. They offer nothing of any redeeming value and are methodically destroying the best about our country.
Yes, kpete ... infuriating!!!!
(53,235 posts)mostlyconfused
(211 posts)I wonder what was in those...but don't have the time go digging. Has anyone found a source that breaks those down a little further?
(84,786 posts)Glad you're here! Your screen name could apply to many of us here! Particularly moi!
(5,861 posts)The vast majority of bills are so convoluted that the majority of congress don't read them...they vote the party concensus. This is the only way horrendous pieces of legislation like the Patriot Act could get passed only a day after it was introduced in the house. No scrutiny.
(211 posts)the other side would say that about the stimulus, Obamacare, etc. Thousands of pages in these bills, and no way anyone in congress has read much less understands them before voting. It's all more about posturing and scoring political points than about doing anything to properly govern the country.
(1,581 posts)"It makes me wonder how many of those bills actually were passed by the Senate and were signed by President Obama. " How do I answer? Were any of them accepted and voted on in the Senate? Thanks in advance.
(84,786 posts)You could call it "Remarkable Bookmarkable"! GREAT stuff to make note of - AND KEEP TRACK OF!
This is a good resource to use in reply to some of those lamebrain emails you might get from your old racist knuckledragger uncle or whoever attempts to so blight your inbox. A real keeper!!!!
(13 posts)I love shoving this little bit of information into my brainwashed right wing co-workers. It also tell you there is nothing about the tea party being about "small" government. They just want their theocratic/plutocratic rule... which makes them Fascists.
(41 posts)If we simply please god, god will make jobs! Clearly, we must turn america into a Baptists theocracy, until this is done, god will not bless us with jobs! Don't you understand, it is the divine rights of job creators, unless we please god he will not grant them his blessing! The squirrels, the squirrels, they gnaw the wood! Beat monkeys with rubber fruit baskets. Find your tinfoil hats, hurry!
Yeah, thats about how the GOP has spent the last 4 years sounding.
(4,192 posts)That is a laundry list of the Republican party's priorities and it reveals just how much special interests have taken over all semblance of sanity in that party. Truly sickening how little they actually care about solving real problems. Every one of those items strictly benefits some specific entity but not the American people at large.
(57,936 posts)They do not like our system of government, and they are out to destroy it.
A related issue.
Obama has vetoed very few bills that have reached his desk.
Only 2 according to Wikipedia here:
For comparison, George H. W. Bush vetoed 44 bills including 15 pocket vetoes in his one term as president.
Also from that link at Wikipedia.
(10,954 posts)...this was one stinking bunch of House Majority crappola. Two years of suffering for so many Americans. They did a bad bad thing. If that isn't anti-American behavior, I don't know what is. This ought to be a broadside on every post and tree in America. What a dirty rotten shame.
Monsters, every last one of them!
(13,039 posts)eom
(44,397 posts)Doctor_J
(36,392 posts)they should draft bills that DEMS want, and then either pass them or have the president sign executive orders to enact them temporarily, and then explain why this has to be done = with a single voice.
The Repukes are terrorists, and need to be dealt with as such
(11,723 posts)I wish we could get rid of them faster. This is getting ridiculous.
(37,364 posts)Dirty Socialist
(3,252 posts)Unfortunately, there are lots of misanthropes out there.