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(44,286 posts)
115. They will pay 5 to 7 billion USD in Chinese taxes alone (as their total revenue will be over 30 billion USD for 2024)
Thu Apr 25, 2024, 06:26 AM
Apr 25

Last edited Thu Apr 25, 2024, 07:36 AM - Edit history (1)

My main concern is the timing of this all. The new law doesn't stop TikTok before the 2024 elections (if one is worried about Facebook style manipulation), AND it also puts Biden's face on the potential ban in a front and centre position BEFORE the elections.

It's a lose-lose.

Being tied to unpopular government actions or outcomes can cause blow back:

A long-forgotten thing that happened right before the 2016 elections (overshadowed of course by the Comey bullshit on October 28, 2016) is that you could see a drop off already across the board in Clinton's polling when the new, and in many cases very substantively-raised/increased Obamacare premium rates were issued right before the damn election. They were leaked on Friday, October 21, 2016 (and officially came out on Monday, October 24, with the RW press and TBF, much of the MSM going wild over the size of the increases), which was a week before the Comey ratfucking and you could already see negative movement in the daily polls, cutting against Clinton for the first time in multiple ones. A bit maddening that the Obama administration changed the open enrollment dates (and thus the release date of those premium increases) so that the increases were released right before the 2016 election. They used to come out around early September, prior to the 2014 open enrollment date for the 2015 effective rate year (as open enrollment before then started Oct 1, not November 1 like it did in 2016, or Nov 15, like it has before, see below). That would have given it time to settle in and not end up being an 'October surprise'. They also could have (even better!) released the increases after the 2016 election, as unlike other times the open enrollment that year was a whopping 3 months, from Nov 1 all the way to Jan 31, 2017. You had open enrollment for 2 months, from Nov 15 to Jan 15 recently. They could have had 2 (or even 2 and half) full months of open enrollment back in 2016/2017 and had a post election release date for the new rates.

I was living in the US at that time, and I so remember my father (investment banker in the City of London who did M&A work globally in the healthcare sector at that time, so he was and is well sussed) saying on a Skype video call with my wife and I that those rate increases would move the dial against Clinton.

now, all that said............

As for user data, China already buys user data on US citizens via data brokers, and TikTok actually captures less data than many American social media firms like FaceBook (Meta).

ByteDance is a privately held firm, but China can veto its sale.

The algorithms are the real crux of the biscuit.

Here is a cut from a March NYT article:



Those algorithms, which guide how TikTok watches its users and feeds them more of what they want, are the magic sauce of an app that 170 million Americans now have on their phones. That’s half the country. But TikTok doesn’t own those algorithms; they are developed by engineers who work for its Chinese parent company, ByteDance, which assembles the code in great secrecy in its software labs, in Beijing, Singapore and Mountain View, Calif. But China has issued regulations that appear designed to require government review before any of ByteDance’s algorithms could be licensed to outsiders. Few expect those licenses to be issued — meaning that selling TikTok to an American owner without the underlying code might be like selling a Ferrari without its famed engine.

The bill would require a new, Western-owned TikTok to be cut off from any “operational relationship” with ByteDance, “including any cooperation with respect to the operation of a content recommendation algorithm.” So the new, American-based company would have to develop its own, made-in-America algorithm. Maybe that would work, or maybe it would flop. But a version of TikTok without its classic algorithm might quickly become useless to users and worthless to investors. And right now, China has no incentive to relent. The House vote “was a nice symbolic gesture,” James A. Lewis, who leads the cyber research program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, said on Wednesday. “But the Chinese get a vote, too.”


But officials know they cannot wrest it from ordinary users — which is why the threat of banning TikTok, especially in an election year, is faintly ridiculous. In a fit of remarkable candor, Gina Raimondo, the commerce secretary, told Bloomberg last year that if any democracy thinks it can outright ban the app, “the politician in me thinks you’re going to literally lose every voter under 35, forever.” The House bill passed on Wednesday holds open the threat of such a ban. But that is probably not its real intent. Rather, it seeks to give the United States leverage to force a sale. And for two years now, the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, a secretive body that reviews corporate deals that could jeopardize national security, has quietly been trying to work out an arrangement that would avert a true showdown. So far it has failed — one reason that the bill passed.

In the course of those negotiations, TikTok has proposed to continue U.S. operations — while still fully owned by ByteDance — and have its algorithm inspected and dissected in the United States. It is part of a broader plan TikTok calls Project Texas. Under Project Texas, all U.S.-origin user data from TikTok would be stored on domestic servers operated by Oracle, the cloud computing company. To build confidence in the independence of its algorithm, TikTok has also proposed that Oracle and a third party will review its source code to make sure it has not been manipulated. TikTok says much of this plan is already being implemented. But government officials insist that it is hard to know how such inspections would actually work — even for the most experienced experts, reviewing minor changes in code, at high speed, is a complicated proposition. Biden administration officials say it is not like inspecting agricultural goods or counting weapons under an arms treaty. Very subtle changes could alter the news that is delivered, whether it was about a presidential election or Chinese action against Taiwan.


I'll be OK. OAITW r.2.0 Apr 24 #1
That's a rather insular view. LuvLoogie Apr 24 #102
Most definitely. I occasionally hit TT links that scroll endless mindless stuff OAITW r.2.0 Apr 24 #103
this is going to ratfuck us in the election unless the Chinese sell it before then Celerity Apr 24 #2
Ban happens next year. LeftInTX Apr 24 #13
I know that, but the bill will be signed by Biden, and he will be the face of it for attacks (yes I know Trump Celerity Apr 24 #19
It will be tough to blame Biden for this when the vast majority of Republicans voted for it.. honest.abe Apr 24 #36
They'll find a way. Scrivener7 Apr 24 #37
And he can easily rebuff it. honest.abe Apr 24 #39
You want to risk Democracy on that? Is this really a hill we need to die on right now? Scrivener7 Apr 24 #42
Non-sense. This will not even be a top 20 issue by November. honest.abe Apr 24 #43
Do you talk to any people younger than 40? Scrivener7 Apr 24 #45
Of course not. I am too old to care what they think. honest.abe Apr 24 #46
Thought so. Scrivener7 Apr 24 #47
That's sad 😞 womanofthehills Apr 24 #62
I guess I should have added the sarcasm tag. honest.abe Apr 24 #69
"I am too old to care what they think."... Famous last words, politically speaking Parzival72 Apr 24 #64
Uh...he signed the bill. progressoid Apr 24 #72
Yup. And when you get voters who blame biden for the Dobbs decision Blue_Adept Apr 24 #73
The most bipartisan bill in memory. honest.abe Apr 24 #75
Considering how bat shit insane the GOP has become, being bi-partisan isn't necessarily a good thing. progressoid Apr 24 #83
You miss the point. Being bipartisan is the clear defense against those blaming Joe. honest.abe Apr 24 #84
So young voters who like this app should be reassured that this is a good thing because it was bi-partisan? progressoid Apr 24 #88
What would you have done if you were President? honest.abe Apr 24 #89
It will be there throughout the election. Young people tend to be more reactive. LeftInTX Apr 25 #113
"Us"? BannonsLiver Apr 24 #55
I still vote in US elections and I am a registered Democrat. Celerity Apr 24 #61
What "factors" induced you to leave United States? honest.abe Apr 24 #77
I was born in Los Angeles to foreign national parents and they moved back to London when I was only a couple years old. Celerity Apr 24 #97
Wow, you have an interesting background. honest.abe Apr 24 #98
AGREE. This is VERY BAD. vanlassie Apr 24 #96
Oh no Mountainguy Apr 24 #3
I agree it's garbage rockfordfile Apr 24 #100
Much ado about nothing. W_HAMILTON Apr 24 #4
Message from TicToc womanofthehills Apr 24 #5
I would trust the many Democratic representatives and senators that voted for this bill... W_HAMILTON Apr 24 #7
A large problem is the perception. Biden will sign the bill so he will be the face of the attempted ban. Celerity Apr 24 #11
Yes, but that's the problem to begin with. W_HAMILTON Apr 24 #18
'They believed the lies about Hillary' Celerity Apr 24 #30
I expect conservative older people brainwashed by Fox News to vote for Republicans. W_HAMILTON Apr 24 #31
And "my cohort" also supported Clinton, from your charts. Celerity Apr 24 #33
"They believed lies about Hillary". Mariana Apr 25 #119
I'm not referring just to Gen Z. W_HAMILTON Apr 26 #121
Gen X parent here MattBaggins Apr 24 #25
lol ! stonecutter357 Apr 24 #26
If your kids are left-leaning, NoRethugFriends Apr 24 #52
Bad information MattBaggins Apr 24 #65
Show them his hardcore support for what Netanyahu and his RW extremist base are doing in Israel. Celerity Apr 24 #108
Bad information MattBaggins Apr 24 #66
so where do they get their information? NoRethugFriends Apr 24 #71
One another mostly MattBaggins Apr 24 #111
Agree 100%, Dems need the youth vote Parzival72 Apr 24 #53
Given that the majority of old people vote for Republicans Mariana Apr 25 #120
This. I'm old, but have young relatives I'm close to who are well-read, self-sufficient and serious Scrivener7 Apr 24 #41
They won't be running things if they sit back and let Trump and his fascist Republicans take power again. W_HAMILTON Apr 24 #92
Actually, I suspect you've missed the point. Scrivener7 Apr 24 #95
And I suspect you are wrong. W_HAMILTON Apr 25 #118
Glad It is Not Just Me Parzival72 Apr 24 #54
Exactly Blue_Adept Apr 24 #74
It's not about being out of touch -- it's about focusing on what actually matters. W_HAMILTON Apr 24 #93
This Johnny2X2X Apr 24 #40
I Don't want this big Controversy to Impact Pres Biden & Our Democracy!! Cha Apr 24 #6
Most likely the fact that TikTok and all Chinese companies have to turn over any and all information they have collected ripcord Apr 24 #8
TY.. So tik tok is a data gathering into site Cha Apr 24 #12
They aren't okay with it. W_HAMILTON Apr 24 #20
Oh TY for the Correction, W H! Cha Apr 24 #22
Here's a relatively recent article of the various actions countries around the world have taken against TikTok: W_HAMILTON Apr 24 #24
Thanks even more.. my knowledge on this subject Cha Apr 24 #29
Right now, however, the Chinese government wouldn't need to rely on TikTok to get access to Americans' personal info. Celerity Apr 24 #32
Meanwhile Facebook, via Cambridge Analytica, gave Donald Trump access to ALL their Scrivener7 Apr 24 #44
Ultimately Cha, I think TikTok will have no impact (at all) on the election. speak easy Apr 24 #9
I Hope Not! I've read too Cha Apr 24 #15
"'Ive read too many posts around here that say otherwise." speak easy Apr 24 #23
It was part of today's bill that passed. LeftInTX Apr 24 #14
Banning Tik Tok? TY.. So it's Cha Apr 24 #16
Yep. It doesn't go into effect until next year. So who knows. LeftInTX Apr 24 #17
Thank You So Much, LeftinTX! Cha Apr 24 #21
I don't consider myself a conspiracy theorist MattBaggins Apr 24 #27
"...it most likely will die a similar death in our court system..." J_William_Ryan Apr 24 #10
Android users will just side load it MattBaggins Apr 24 #28
"A Federal 'ban' will make it illegal for app stores to allow downloads" speak easy Apr 24 #35
Message auto-removed Name removed Apr 24 #34
Good edhopper Apr 24 #38
Yeah.. F Young people.. DemocratInPa Apr 24 #49
Fuck the Chinese Government edhopper Apr 24 #50
Not sure I would trust those Silicon Valley companies with personal data either. progressoid Apr 24 #78
Old people taking the youth for granted Parzival72 Apr 24 #57
Welcome to DU. No one taking anything for granted. honest.abe Apr 24 #79
I think this wasn't though out well, but.. DemocratInPa Apr 24 #48
A hostile foreign government has no constitutional right to own a media company in America mathematic Apr 24 #51
Fox has been owned by an Australian who is hostile to the US for decades Parzival72 Apr 24 #56
Murdoch literally became an American citizen to buy TV stations. How are you this badly informed? mathematic Apr 24 #58
US Law Says Foreigners Can own No More than 20% of a US media company Parzival72 Apr 24 #59
Oh, how quickly you abandoned your other argument. You didn't suddenly become well informed, by the way. mathematic Apr 24 #60
Why so hostile? Parzival72 Apr 24 #63
Thanks for tone policing me while not refuting anything I've said mathematic Apr 24 #68
Okay you lost me. Iggo Apr 24 #67
You seem to have a poor opinion of Democratic congress members. MichMan Apr 24 #81
WTF are you talking about?? honest.abe Apr 24 #94
He's a US citizen now. Do your homework before posting please. beaglelover Apr 26 #124
This thread stinks of ageism and entitlement MorbidButterflyTat Apr 24 #70
Is the U.S.A. going to build a "great wall" around its internet as China has? hunter Apr 24 #76
👇👇👇👁️👁️ Goonch Apr 24 #80
As a company, it is unlikely to ever be worth as much as it is now if it loses the US market LonePirate Apr 24 #82
This is the origin of the push to ban TikTok. It's like the anti CRT/anti LGBTQ movements LuvLoogie Apr 24 #85
Big rethugs have been secretly plotting Peregrine Took Apr 24 #86
I linked the NYT article above LuvLoogie Apr 24 #87
Or to frame it in reality: An adversary will be blocked from controlling a significant media outlet in this country themaguffin Apr 24 #90
CTL+F "VPN"... SMH JoseBalow Apr 24 #91
It's an App. speak easy Apr 24 #99
So? JoseBalow Apr 24 #104
Pulled from the App / Play Stores, disabled on peoples phones. speak easy Apr 24 #106
Not if you're using a VPN JoseBalow Apr 24 #107
You are correct. I stand corrected. speak easy Apr 24 #109
No problemo JoseBalow Apr 24 #110
To bad Rebl2 Apr 24 #101
I wonder why the Chinese government is so strongly against it being sold? Think. Again. Apr 24 #105
TikTok generated an estimated $16.1 billion revenue in 2023, a 67% increase year-on-year. TikTok had 1.5 billion monthly Celerity Apr 25 #112
So, IS tiktok a government-owned business... Think. Again. Apr 25 #114
They will pay 5 to 7 billion USD in Chinese taxes alone (as their total revenue will be over 30 billion USD for 2024) Celerity Apr 25 #115
Thank you for that... Think. Again. Apr 25 #116
my main concern is the timing, that it can blow up in our faces for the 2024 elections Celerity Apr 25 #117
I believe we as a society will survive without the unparelled virtues of Tik Tok. beaglelover Apr 26 #122
I'm just amazed ripcord Apr 26 #123
Latest Discussions»General Discussion»TikTok will be banned, no...»Reply #115