The Sox have the
Curse of the Bambino (born in 1918).
The Cubs have the
Curse of the Billy Goat (born in 1945).
But did you know that the New York Yankees have their own curse?

Yes, the Curse of the Lyin' Kings, born in 1973.
What is this curse?
In 1973, George Steinbrenner bought the New York Yankees from CBS and since that time no Yankees team has been able to win a World Series while a Republican sat in the White House, and none ever will.
If the Yankees hope to ever win a World Series again, there had better be a Democrat in the Oval Office.
Let's review the history of this curse:
The year before he bought the Yankees, Steinbrenner made illegal contributions to President Nixon's campaign fund, the same year that Nixon authorized the cover-up of the Watergate burglary. George was convicted of perjury and making illegal campaign contributions. Dick was was almost impeached and had to resign.* (To quote Billy Martin, "One's a born liar, the other's convicted.") And thus was born a Nexus Of Evil. Never again would the Yankees win a World Series while a Republican served as Commander-in-Grief.
1976: Yankees LOSE to Reds (President Ford, R)
1977: Yankees defeat Dodgers (President Carter, D)
1978: Yankees defeat Dodgers (President Carter, D)
1981: Yankees LOSE to Dodgers (President Reagan, R)
1996: Yankees defeat Braves (President Clinton, D)
1998: Yankees defeat Padres (President Clinton, D)
1999: Yankees defeat Braves (President Clinton, D)
2000: Yankees defeat Mets (President Clinton, D)
2001: Yankees LOSE to Diamondbacks (President Bush, R)
2003: Yankees LOSE to Marlins (President Bush, R)
The only way to break the curse is for Steinbrenner to sell the Yankees or for Bush to lose in 2004. If not, the Yankees will have to wait until 2009 to WIN the World Series again. (Unless Jeb wins in 2008.)*George and Dick ... hmmm ...
*maybe it should be called The Curse Of The Bombasto