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Stuart G
(38,726 posts)FakeNoose
(36,574 posts)What does Trump think he's doing? He's not even helping his OWN business which is Hotel & Hospitality. His customers are people from somewhere else, often even from foreign countries. His employees are often immigrants because native-born Americans usually won't work for low wages.
He's HURTING HIMSELF with these horrible anti-foreigner policies. Besides that he's giving America a black eye everywhere inthe world. Nobody wants to visit the USA any more, thanks to Trump. Once we're finally rid of this guy it will be many years before we can overcome the hatred he has created.
(47,154 posts)bigtree
(91,056 posts)Last edited Wed Apr 11, 2018, 06:09 PM - Edit history (1)
...almost as much as he hates himself.
Hayes Davenport @hayesdavenport
-husband and wife drop their daughter off at school
-ICE agents mistake husband for someone else and pursue
-the couple crash their car and die
-ICE agents say they werent pursuing
-surveillance footage shows they lied
-ICE spokesman blames the crash on sanctuary policies
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(5,210 posts)@ShaunKing
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1. Immigration & customs officers at JFK Airport in NYC just pulled me and my whole family out of the middle of the passport line.
We just returned from Cairo.
The officer literally called us by name, knew about our trip, and took us away for questioning.
2:55 PM - 9 Apr 2018
2. The customs officer specifically brought up my role as a leader in the #BlackLivesMatter Movement and wanted to know why I traveled to Egypt.
3. I have my wife and kidswith me. Weve been flying for nearly 24 straight hours. Exhausted. Called our attorney @theintercept & emergency contacts. Thankfully we had a plan for this foolishness. Instructed wife & kids to not say a damn word. Out now. On our way home.
4. We just made it home safely. FYI. Family was shook up a bit at first. Took us all to a secluded questioning room. What I know is that my Muslim friends deal with this ugliness every single day. Officer had clearly been reading my tweets and knew all about me.
17:23 3/29/2018
Man freed after wrongful conviction, only to be taken into custody by immigration authorities
Source: Chicago Tribune
In the two decades since Ricardo Rodriguez was convicted of murder, he has maintained his innocence.
This week, the Cook County states attorney agreed to drop the case against him amid allegations that a discredited police detective manipulated witnesses.
But instead of walking out of prison a free man Wednesday, Rodriguez was taken into custody by federal immigration authorities, adding a new and tragic twist to his story.
Before he was sent to prison for a 1995 murder, Rodriguez was a lawful permanent resident. His status was revoked when he was convicted, his attorneys said. Now he faces the possibility of being deported despite being freed.
Rodriguez was brought to America as a child and his family is all here, according to his sister, Maria Rodriguez-Lopez. She said the family has a really big fear that Rodriguez will be removed from the country.
17:15 3/25/2018
US Army veteran who served two tours in Afghanistan has been deported to Mexico
A US Army veteran who served two tours in Afghanistan has been deported to Mexico, US Immigration and Customs Enforcement said.
The deportation follows an earlier decision by US authorities to deny Miguel Perez's citizenship application because of a felony drug conviction, despite his service and the PTSD he says it caused.
Perez, 39, was escorted across the US-Mexico border from Texas and handed over to Mexican authorities Friday, ICE said in a statement.
Perez, his family and supporters, who include Senator Tammy Duckworth of Illinois, had argued that his wartime service to the country had earned him the right to stay in the US and to receive mental health treatment for the PTSD and substance abuse.
"It's shameful to turn our backs on those who have the courage to wear the uniform," Duckworth said after Perez's citizenship application was denied. "We can do better than this."
Perez was born in Mexico and came to the United States at age 8 when his father, Miguel Perez Sr., a semi-pro soccer player, moved the family to Chicago because of a job offer, Perez told CNN earlier. He has two children born in the US. His parents and one sister are now naturalized American citizens, and another sister is an American citizen by birth.
It's a complicated case. Perez has said that what he saw and experienced in Afghanistan sent his life off the rails, leading to heavy drinking, a drug addiction and ultimately to his felony conviction.
20:52 3/9/2018
Wisconsin father of two deported to west Africa
WISCONSIN RAPIDS, Wis. After more than 20 years in the United States, a Wisconsin man was deported to west Africa earlier this week, a federal agency confirmed.
Buba Jabbi, 41, of Wisconsin Rapids was deported Tuesday and back in Gambia by Wednesday afternoon, according to a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement statement issued Wednesday.
Jabbi had entered the U.S. in 1995 and overstayed his visa. He was detained Feb. 15 after checking in with federal authorities as he had been directed and was set for deportation based on a judge's order from 2010.
A stay of removal had been filed on his behalf but was denied Feb. 27, according to Nicole Alberico, a public affairs officer with ICE.
Jabbi, the father of two daughters ages 5 and 1, was being held at a detention center in Sierra Blanca, Texas.
Is it safe to call Trump's ICE a terrorist group yet?
11:37 3/7/2018
This single mom will be deported without her three daughters
MARYSVILLE The 9-year-old came to her third-grade teacher in tears.
Two weeks ago, she learned her mother is being deported. The plane ticket back to Honduras is dated for March 19.
I fell apart, said Barbara McKinney, a teacher at Kellogg Marsh Elementary in Marysville. Shes taught the girl for two years and also one of her older sisters.
I just held Stacey and I sobbed, she said. I didnt know what to do because I knew the family was going to be separated.
Bernarda Pineda, 33, has lived in the U.S. for 12 years, the past seven in Marysville. Shell be leaving her three daughters when she returns to Honduras. She fled because the Central American country is politically unstable, impoverished and dangerous, particularly for women. She wants better for her children. Stacey is 9, Sheyla is 11 and Sherly is 14.
The two youngest girls were born here. Pineda brought Sherly with her when she left her home country. The girl was 2 years old, and Pineda carried her as she walked and took buses from Honduras to Mexico.
They spent six months in Chiapas, Mexico, scared and alone, Pineda said. Then there was a week at the southern U.S. border. She remembers carrying Sherly across a river. The toddler cried in fear. From a gas station, Pineda caught a bus to Austin, Texas.
I actually have more, but that's enough for now.
(73,748 posts)RandomAccess
(5,210 posts)Pierce: I Need a Shower After Reading This
On Thursday night, kindly Doc Maddow did a bathysphere excursion into the case of one Scott Lloyd, an anti-choice fanatic who has been placed in charge of the Office of Refugee Resettlement. This is the organization that takes care of minor children who enter this country without their parents and without documentation. Lloyd is currently tangled up with the ACLU because he consistently denies the requests of young women in his custody to obtain abortions.
He is not faring well, as VICE News explains.
Seven immigrant teenagers in federal custody asked the Trump administration to let them get abortions between March and December 2017, but their requests were personally refused by an official known for his anti-abortion views, documents exclusively obtained by VICE News show. All of the girls were eventually allowed to undergo the procedure, though three of them fought for and won the right in court after filing suit against the Trump administration. Their court documents reveal the lengths one Trump administration official has gone to in order to stop undocumented teens in the governments care from getting abortions.
Lloyd is the very definition of a well-tailored extremist. He has written that abortion and contraception are equally immoral. But thats to be expected. Those types are a dime a dozen in the anti-choice universe. (Rememberthe real target isnt Roe. Its always been Griswold, and the constitutional right to privacy that case asserted.) But, on top of his fanaticism, Lloyd also appears to be 11 different kinds of creepy, and he has been given what is essentially a captive population on which to practice his peculiar enthusiasms.
Lloyd receives a spreadsheet every week containing information on every pregnant teen in ORRs custody, including the fetuss gestational age and whether the teen has asked for an abortion. Lloyd says agency policy forbids staff from taking any actions to help a minor in ORR custody get an abortion unless he personally authorizes the procedure.
This guy is conducting his own personal war on reproductive rights, using detained children as pawns, and conducting it on our dime. Lovely.
Oakland Mayor Threatened by ICE for warning about raid...
Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf tipped off immigrants about ICE raid and isnt sorry she did...
Schaaf learned of the Northern California ICE enforcement operation before it kicked off on Sunday and, in a controversial move, warned the immigrant community ahead of time.
On Saturday, saying she felt it was her moral and ethical duty, she stood in front of television cameras and announced that multiple credible sources had informed her that ICE would be making arrests across the Bay Area. She didnt intend to panic the community, she said only to protect it.
ICE Deputy Director Thomas D. Homan, however, had a different idea of what she was trying to do, saying on Tuesday that he believed some of the 864 criminal aliens that still remained at large were able to elude us thanks to the mayors irresponsible decision.
<...> She had already made her defiance clear last month when she told reporters that she was willing to go to jail to defend Oaklands sanctuary city policy of protecting immigrants who are in the country illegally and not cooperating with federal authorities to deport them. She said Tuesday that she was responding to a suggestion from Homan in January that the Justice Department should begin criminally charging California politicians who supported sanctuary jurisdictions. Politicians like her, she said.
Asked by The Post whether she considered herself part of the resistance movement the unofficial title for left-leaning Americans who do not support the Trump administration she responded with a resounding yes.
12:30 2/16/2018
Judge demands answers from ICE on detention of young mother
Source: The Boston Globe
By Maria Cramer GLOBE STAFF FEBRUARY 16, 2018
A federal judge in Boston is demanding that immigration authorities explain why a Guatemalan mother of two was arrested and jailed for nearly a month after going to a government office to apply for legal residency.
On Jan. 17, Lilian Pahola Calderon Jimenez, a 30-year-old waitress whose parents brought her to the United States when she was 3, had just finished an interview with officials from Citizenship and Immigration Services in Johnston, R.I., when she was arrested by Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers.
On Tuesday, she was released without explanation, eight days before US District Judge Mark Wolf was slated to hear her petition for release. In an order handed down Thursday, Wolf pressed immigration officials for answers.
The court has not been informed of the procedures that led to Calderons release, the reasons for it, or whether ICE asserts that it had lawfully detained Calderon and has the authority to do so again in the same manner, Wolf wrote.
18:26 2/14/2018
Seattle ICE lawyer charged with stealing immigrants' identities
Source: king5
ICE's chief counsel in Seattle is charged with identity theft and wire fraud.
A lawyer for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement in Seattle has been charged with stealing immigrants' identities.
Raphael Sanchez, identified as ICE's chief counsel in Seattle, faces one count of aggravated identity theft and another of wire fraud in a charging document filed Monday in U.S. District Court.
Prosecutors with the Justice Department's Public Integrity Section allege that Sanchez stole the identities of seven people "in various stages of immigration proceedings" to defraud credit card companies including American Express, Bank of America and Capital One.
20:58 2/13/2018
Police answered immigrant's call for help, then gave him to ICE
(CNN)Wilson Rodriguez Macarreno and his family were in trouble, so he did what he knew to do -- call police for help. About an hour later, he was in ICE custody.
Rodriguez's detention on Thursday sent shockwaves through the Seattle-suburb and is now garnering national attention from advocates, warning the way authorities handled the case could make immigrants scared to call police to report crimes.
Early Thursday morning, Rodriguez saw someone trespassing on his property in Tukwila, Washington. In the last few weeks, someone had been repeatedly trying to break-in to his home and car. So, he called 9-1-1.
Police arriving on scene apprehended a trespasser according to Rodriguez's lawyer Luis Cortes.
After giving officers his ID for what he thought was "report purposes," police put Rodriguez in handcuffs, his lawyer said. After running his information through the National Crime Information Center database, officers saw he had an outstanding warrant.
"officers believed that they were executing a valid order from a judge in the form of a criminal warrant."
In reality, officers executed an administrative ICE warrant.
Tukwila Police say in their Facebook post ICE told to them it's been entering administrative warrants into the database the same as criminal warrants. And that, "we may be encountering more of these types of warrants in the future."
Discouraging law abiding immigrants from calling police. What could possibly go wrong?
19:55 2/11/2018
Trump takes 'shackles' off ICE, which is slapping them on immigrants who thought they were safe
Source: Washington Post
Trump takes shackles off ICE, which is slapping them on immigrants who thought they were safe
By Nick Miroff and Maria Sacchetti February 11 at 7:10 PM
A week after he won the election, President Trump promised that his administration would round up millions of immigrant gang members and drug dealers. And after he took office, arrests by Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers surged 40 percent.
Officials at the agency commonly known as ICE praise Trump for putting teeth back into immigration enforcement, and they say their agency continues to prioritize national security threats and violent criminals, much as the Obama administration did.
But as ICE officers get wider latitude to determine whom they detain, the biggest jump in arrests has been of immigrants with no criminal convictions. The agency made 37,734 noncriminal arrests in the governments 2017 fiscal year, more than twice the number in the previous year. The category includes suspects facing possible charges as well as those without criminal records.
Critics say ICE is increasingly grabbing at the lowest-hanging fruit of deportation-eligible immigrants to meet the presidents unrealistic goals, replacing a targeted system with a scattershot approach aimed at boosting the agencys enforcement statistics.
Kristoff: President Trump, How Is This Man a Danger?
President Trump suggests that the aim of his crackdown on immigrants is to defend Americans from savage, worst of the worst intruders who kill Americans or at least are dangerous criminals.
What does Trumps crackdown look like in real life? In Lawrence, Kan., the other day, immigration agents handcuffed a beloved chemistry professor as he was leaving his home to drive his daughter to school. Then they warned his crying wife and children, ages 7 to 14, that they could be arrested if they tried to hug him goodbye, and drove off with him leaving a shattered family behind.
,,, Her dad, Syed A. Jamal, 55, had been in America for 30 years, having arrived legally from Bangladesh as a student, before overstaying his visa. He loved Kansas and settled in Lawrence, teaching at local colleges and volunteering at local schools even running for the school board. He coached students in science and sports.
But President Trump, you say that these people are criminals, drug dealers, rapists and that we must be protected from them.
... Jamal, who seems just about the least dangerous person in America, is now in jail pending deportation to Bangladesh. A court intervened with a temporary stay as the government was trying to rush him out of the country.
While this arrest has done nothing to make anyone safer, it is devastating for three American citizens in particular his children. Their mom, Angela, also of Bangladeshi origin, donated a kidney last year, and Jamal is the only source of family income.
If Jamal is indeed deported, his family will be upended. Randy Capps of the Migration Policy Institute estimates that 25,000 people deported in 2016 have children who are American citizens.
... Jamal has had a tortuous series of interactions with the impossibly complex immigration system. Several years ago, immigration authorities ruled that he had overstayed his visa, but the Obama administration exercised discretion, and (like countless others) he was allowed to stay if he reported in regularly. So Jamal had a temporary work permit and checked in with the immigration authorities, most recently on Jan. 7. Everything seemed to be fine until the immigration officers decided for some reason to blow up his familys life.
Thank you, Mr. President, for shielding us from the worst of the worst chemistry professors.
Carl Rusnok, a spokesman for Immigration and Customs Enforcement, did not try to argue that Jamal is a threat. He said that the priority is to arrest criminals (as it was under Barack Obama) but that no one is excluded.
18:42 2/10/2018
ICE Set To Deport Undocumented Father Whose 5-Year-Old Son Is Battling Cancer
Source: HuffPost
02/10/2018 10:09 am ET
The agency chose not to grant the Arizonan another stay despite his childs leukemia.
By Sarah Ruiz-Grossman
Immigration and Customs Enforcement plans to deport an undocumented man from Mexico whose child is battling cancer.
On Thursday, ICE denied an extension to remain in the U.S. for 30-year-old Jesus Berrones, who lives in Arizona with his pregnant wife and five children. The immigration agency ordered Berrones to appear on Monday to be deported, according to his lawyer Garrett Wilkes.
Berrones has been living in the U.S. since he was 1½, when his parents brought him here in 1989, according to his wife, Sonia. In 2006, at age 19, Berrones was caught driving with a fake license and deported to Mexico. He then twice re-entered the country unlawfully to rejoin his family.
In 2016, ICE granted Berrones a stay of removal based on his sons illness. Even when it has grounds for deportation, the agency can use its discretion to grant stays and has commonly done so in the case of individuals caring for a sick child.
13:06 2/9/2018
The United States government did this..Sarah Silverman.
@CNN With nothing but the clothes on his back and less than $300 in his pocket, this 'pillar of the community' was put on a plane and deported to Jordan after living in the United States for nearly 40 years.
10:16 2/4/2018
In a strange land: Deported from Michigan, Jorge Garcia feels lost in Mexico
16:04 2/3/2018
David Beard @dabeard
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ICE takes away chemistry instructor as he prepared to drive his kid to school
12:24 1/26/2018
Exclusive: ICE is about to start tracking license plates across the US
Source: The Verge
By Russell Brandom@russellbrandom Jan 26, 2018, 8:04am EST
The Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency has officially gained agency-wide access to a nationwide license plate recognition database, according to a contract finalized earlier this month. (1) The system gives the agency access to billions of license plate records and new powers of real-time location tracking, raising significant concerns from civil libertarians.
The source of the data is not named in the contract, but an ICE representative said the data came from Vigilant Solutions, the leading network for license plate recognition data. Like most other law enforcement agencies, ICE uses information obtained from license plate readers as one tool in support of its investigations, spokesperson Dani Bennett said in a statement. ICE is not seeking to build a license plate reader database, and will not collect nor contribute any data to a national public or private database through this contract. (Vigilant did not respond to multiple requests for comment.)
While it collects few photos itself, Vigilant Solutions has amassed a database of more than 2 billion license plate photos by ingesting data from partners like vehicle repossession agencies (2) and other private groups. Vigilant also partners with local law enforcement agencies, (3) often collecting even more data from camera-equipped police cars. The result is a massive vehicle-tracking network generating as many as 100 million sightings per month, each tagged with a date, time, and GPS coordinates of the sighting.
ICE agents would be able to query that database in two ways. A historical search would turn up every place a given license plate has been spotted in the last five years, a detailed record of the targets movements. That data could be used to find a given subjects residence or even identify associates if a given car is regularly spotted in a specific parking lot.
Read more:
I don't know how reliable The Verge is, but The Hill has picked up the story too:
ICE to gain access to database that tracks license plates
- - - - -
"Dear {registered owner}
At 2:30 a.m. on January 27, 2018, your vehicle was seen in the parking lot of a bar that caters to known homosexuals. Were you aware that it was there? Please contact us at your convenience. Thank you, ICE."
- - - - -
ICE Will Soon Be Tracking License Plates Across The U.S.
3. Faking a license plate
When the idea of license plate scanning and database collection came up years ago, I read a piece about how it would be possible to alter a license plate in subtle ways to throw off the readers. Like, use pieces of white, yellow, blue or black tape to subtly change C's into O's, 3's into 8's, interchange L's and 1's, and other bits of chicanery to give the readers the wrong number. That way, a scan of a plate doesn't locate the car properly.
19:21 1/24/2018
More volunteers facing federal charges for leaving water in the desert for dying migrants
11:47 1/22/2018
ICE detains a Polish doctor and green-card holder lived in the U.S. for nearly 40 years and
Lukasz Niec was 5 years old when his parents brought him and his sister to the United States from Poland. With two suitcases in tow, his parents both doctors left behind a country on the verge of social turmoil. It was 1979, about two years before the countrys authoritarian communist government declared martial law.
Niec received a temporary green card and, in 1989, became a lawful permanent resident. He grew up in Michigan, went to medical school, became a doctor, and raised a daughter and stepdaughter.
Niec, now 43, never fathomed that his legal status in the United States would become an issue. With a renewed green card, and nearly 40 years in the country, his Polish nationality was an afterthought for Niec, his sister told The Washington Post. He doesnt even speak Polish.
But on Tuesday morning, immigration authorities arrested Niec at his home, just after he had sent his 12-year-old stepdaughter off to school. Niec, a physician specializing in internal medicine at Bronson Healthcare Group in Kalamazoo, Mich., has been detained in a county jail ever since, awaiting a bond hearing and possible deportation.
19:50 1/21/2018
@CustomsBorder got on a Greyhound bus yesterday and asked every passenger for their papers
What country is this?
FLImmigrantCoalition @FLImmigrant
Link to tweet
.@CustomsBorder got on a Greyhound bus yesterday at 4:30pm in Fort Lauderdale and asked every passenger for their papers and to prove citizenship. Proof of citizenship is NOT required to ride a bus! For more information about your rights, call our hotline?? 1-888-600-5762
Trump administration's immigrant-crime hotline releases victims' personal information
Daniel González, The Republic | Published 6:00 a.m. MT Jan. 21, 2018
The same week the Trump administration opened a hotline last April to support victims of crimes by immigrants, Elena Maria Lopez called to report a complaint against her ex-husband.
At first, Lopez kept getting a busy signal. But finally someone answered. For the next 20 minutes, Lopez provided a detailed account, accusing the Dutch immigrant of marrying her to get a green card and then threatening to harm her if she contacted immigration officials.
What happened next shocked Lopez. Not only did Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the agency that operates the hotline, decline to take action, but immigration authorities also released much of the private information she provided. This includes a confidential internet phone number she fears will now make it easier for anyone to locate her in New Jersey, where she has a protected address set up for domestic-violence victims.
Lopez is one of hundreds of people whose private information was inappropriately released by ICE when the agency posted call logs to the hotline on its website, a clear violation of the agency's own policies against divulging private information, as well as privacy laws intended to protect individuals who provide sensitive information to the government.
(82,849 posts)Because he's blowing through U.S. prestige and credibility like he's preparing for another bankruptcy filing. "The United States seems no longer quite the United States."
(10,035 posts)Bernardo de La Paz
(52,601 posts)How about something so basic as his tax return?
Ferrets are Cool
(22,080 posts)that a fascist regime runs the country. Same song, different version:
(280,859 posts)Rec
(17,604 posts)No wonder I did not vote for tRdump.
It is scary how many Nazis there are that live in the USA.
(4,407 posts)This is exactly what they wanted.
(63,221 posts)I really believe he is one of the most evil people who has ever lived.
He lives to cause others pain.
(307,248 posts)a sadist in the wh/AKA/ the antiChrist. I've said that before
(63,221 posts)I just can't wait to see this bastard get what is coming to him. Ultimately, I want to dance on his grave. I just want him to stop inflicting more pain on people.
Anyway, hope you are doing well!
(307,248 posts)he's younger than I am by a bit.. so we shall see if I'm around to join you happy peeps when the time comes.
I've never thought this about anybody.. not even bush.
But, trump has worn me down. It's the pain thing like you said.
First Speaker
(4,858 posts)...if you get my meaning...
(63,221 posts)
(3,660 posts)If the rumours are true...💦💦
(307,248 posts)pandr32
(12,595 posts)...and they in turn largely supported her in 2016.
tRump is vengeful and so I would expect he wants to repeal Hillary Clinton's legacy as much as Pres. Obama's. The Clintons are still hugely popular in New York where tRump Tower real estate value is plunging and people there, aside from mobsters, don't like him at all.
He is such a vile, petty, vengeful little man.
(307,248 posts)I bet you're right, pandr!
Damn him to his own hell.
(62,501 posts)as he can, so he sees no need to continue any program which assists victims. This is another example of his narcissism.
(307,248 posts)Ilsa
mountain grammy
(27,532 posts)fuckers, it's happening right under our noses.. ICE and border control officers voted for this madness. American gestapo.
(96,137 posts)

(36,942 posts)To Antarctica, perhaps.
world wide wally
(21,835 posts)"Ashamed to be an American"?
(307,248 posts)cry.. it's so unfair.
Thank you for compiling these reports, MrScorpio
(7,838 posts)niyad
(122,093 posts)Initech
(103,614 posts)
(28,281 posts)Bookmarking & emailing out.
(21,918 posts)shit you shit you shit you.