General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsWhen you conduct your life with a high set of standards, you get criticized for minor things...
When you set the low bar for yourself, scrutiny against must be constant and large.
Hence, one President got ragged for wearing a tan suit in August, and another President is currently skating along, free as a bird, in spite of the fact that he's an incompetent and corrupt fool, and a blatant agent of a foreign power.
In order to nail Trump, they need to nail him with everything.

(306,979 posts)shite and needs to be condemned.
The bigger they are the harder they fall.
(9,426 posts)He needs to be exposed for the slimeball he is. His family is no better than he is, either. For YEARS they have skated by, breaking laws and lining their pockets, thinking they are above the rest of us. Crooks, all of them. I hope to see the entire group facing charges for their dirty dealings. It is shameful that they have been allowed to take over the WH, and the gop party so easily. Birds of a feather? The gop is as corrupt as the tRump family, that is why they cover for them.
(58,785 posts)Republican whose actions, multiple, were major factors in "saving" the nation from a female Democratic president and a Democratic-controlled congress?
What we're seeing on the right is a falling out among dishonorable people, thieves in very real senses.
Why not find a hero in any number of honorable Democrats who are working to save the nation from these swamp creatures who've taken it over with the help of Mr. "Well you know, I just don't know/can't say/don't believe...?