So the President F*cking Hates My Girlfriend
Players Tribune
(3) O.K. so now that thats out of the way, Ill answer The Question. The one thats probably most on your mind. And by that I mean: Whats it like to have the literal President of the literal United States (of literal America) go Full Adolescent Boy on your girlfriend? Hmm. Well
its WEIRD. And Id say I actually had a pretty standard reaction to it: which was to freak out a little.
Thats one thing that you kind of have to know about me and Megan: our politics are similar after we won the WNBA title in Seattle last season, no way were we going to the (f*cking) White House! but our dispositions are not. And as weve been talking through a lot of this stuff, as its been happening to her, you know, Ill be honest here
.. some of it scares the sh*t out of me!!
I mean, some of it is kind of funny
.. but like in a REALLY? REALLY? THIS GUY??? kind of way. Like, dude theres nothing better demanding your attention?? It would be ridiculous to the point of laughter, if it wasnt so gross. (And if his legislations and policies werent ruining the lives of so many innocent people.) And then whats legitimately scary, I guess, is like
.. how its not just his tweets. Because now suddenly youve got all these MAGA peeps getting hostile in your mentions. And youve got all these crazy blogs writing terrible things about this person you care so much about. And now theyre doing takedowns of Megan on Fox News, and who knows whatever else. Its like an out-of-body experience, really thats how Id describe it. Thats how it was for me.