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Dear Democratic Leaders: heres a free idea, send members of congress into the buildings where Elons people are and see what theyre doing. Dare them to stop you.
Do something
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10:03 AM · Feb 3, 2025
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Wingus Dingus
(8,608 posts)That's not Dems' style. But they're going to have to start.
(6,238 posts)It's long past time to take GOP tactics and turn them around against them.
(31,661 posts)You were my congress person and nothing but an opportunist. I went to one of your "town halls." Join in, buddy.
(26,377 posts)Kinzinger has been one of the most outspoken people fighting against Musk/Trump.
Kinzinger lost his job doing what was right.
Dark n Stormy Knight
(10,160 posts)would do it. The kind of thing they used to beat you."
Free advice! Take it!!!
Historic NY
(38,436 posts)dweller
(25,622 posts)Why not citizens ?
They have as much right as Lone Skunk and his high school cronies
(5,870 posts)Justice matters.
(7,858 posts)Anyone really believe Putin and Xi ($WASTiMusKKKA's partners) don't already have all the Classified documents in their personal (e)mailbox already?
If there was still such a thing as the Rule of Law, the DOGE mafia would be rounded up and charged...
(23,122 posts)I so clearly remember many republicans in the past claiming that we were a "nation of laws, not a nation of men"
what happened?
Justice matters.
(7,858 posts)Dark n Stormy Knight
(10,160 posts)their true colors. That they no longer needed to pretend to gaf about anything but taking over &
taking revenge against those following the rule of law to prosecute Trump & cronies. Oh, & funneling our money to Rs.
(8,169 posts)But that was when more of the laws were on their side of cruelty and suppression.
Remember, those who hid Anne Frank and her family were breaking the law. Those who killed her were obeying it.
(6,891 posts)ananda
(31,216 posts)What does that tell me?
We are a fascist nation now, full blown.
(47,151 posts)ananda
(31,216 posts)It seems to be hard for Dems to get visibility these days.
I guess they'll have to force it.
(6,913 posts)Jasmine Crockett!
-90% jimmy
(3,051 posts)That time is right fucking now.
And it applies to all good citizens, not just elected officials and not just Democratic Leaders.
(11,257 posts)It's time they did their fucking job and stand up to the fascists who are at this very moment overthrowing our government!
(14,283 posts)Now what?
(11,257 posts)flashman13
(948 posts)The Dems need to form rapid response teams. They should be made up of a couple of House members, A senator or two (if they can find any that are awake ), a half dozen attorneys (ACLU, or Mark Elias types would be good), a dozen plain We the Peoples, and as many reporters (local and national) as they can find. When eLoon and his Muskrats show up at any Federal organization, a rapid response team shows up and loudly demands WTF is going on here. Get in the way. Make a scene. Call D.C. police and try to have them arrest eLoon & Co for trespassing. Maybe even get arrested. Sic Jasmine Crockett on them. It would have the same effect as turning the kitchen light on and watching the roaches scurry back into hiding.
Do something!
(4 posts)Today 1 PM EST Members from both chambers if Congress will be at USAD led by Rep. Beyer.
(92,385 posts)Owens
(416 posts)Americans would understand it more and add a little flair to it and accuse Elon of sabotaging it
(9,226 posts)And they're very good at it. It has taken the reality of "higher prices" to finally get any pushback from America's ruling class. Pushback isn't enough.
(416 posts)malthaussen
(17,923 posts)TomSlick
(12,145 posts)An arrogant shit and a clear and present danger to US democracy? Absolutely.
However, he is a naturalized US citizen. Scopes grades the claims of a dubious immigration status in the past as unproven.
(13,414 posts)in the House, Senate, and Presidency, and cheered when Trump filled the SCOTUS seats with traitors. And now they are all SCREAMING at democrats to DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!
You have blocked all our paths and now you insist
(1,192 posts)by abandoning Al Gore and his fight to have the uncounted Florida votes counted which disenfranchised our entire country and allowed GOP SCOTUS appointed Bush to put 2 anti democracy GOP extremists on the SCOTUS and also destroy the economy that left so many white working class men out of work. This resulted in tRump's first term where he put 3 more anti democracy GOP extremists on the SCOTUS. Then in 2024, the mostly white, anglo male dem leadership ran the same 2000 election theft anti democracy play against Biden that disenfranchised 14 million dem party primary voters. Americans are tired of getting their votes thrown out and the dem leadership doing nothing to stop the 2000 anti democracy disenfranchisement and then engaging in the same anti democracy disenfranchising behavior in 2024. The result of the dem leadership's failure to act has caused millions of Americans to give up on democracy and vote for a dictator. This is the ugly reality of where our country is now at. Now is not the time to be "nice" to the don't fight back dem party leadership. There are times in life when the truth is very ugly and our country is now in one of those times.
(7,956 posts)Because we don't have a majority in Congress. Pfffttt... BULL$hit!!
(1,343 posts)Show up...
Federal employees... You have sworn an oath... Your organization has a mandate... You are public servants... Do your jobs...
The Musketeer + his minions have no legal authority... Call them on it... Call security... Call the police... They are trespassing... They are stealing... They are hacking... They are obstructing... They are interfering... They are sabotaging democracy...
Do something...
(2,012 posts)Dear Mr Kinzinger,
Where were you?
Our Democratic Party elected members showed up at USAID and gave barn burner speeches supporting democracy and entered the building. The MSM failed to show up for our democracy today. C-span cut off coverage.
Again, I ask where were you? Where were all the people screaming about the Democratic Party must do something? They are. Why are you not supporting them?
Think. Again.
(21,382 posts)JimRiggins
(15 posts)And without a doubt, the Trump cult will call this the largest coup our country has ever witnessed.