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The US Army Corps of Engineers opened two dams on Friday in Central California and let roughly 2.2 billion gallons of water flow out of reservoirs, after President Donald Trump ordered the release with the misguided intent to send water to fire-ravaged Southern California.
Trump celebrated the move in posts to Truth Social post on Friday and Sunday, declaring, the water is flowing in California, and adding the water was heading to farmers throughout the State, and to Los Angeles.
There are two major problems, water experts said: The newly released water will not flow to Los Angeles, and it is being wasted by being released during the wet winter season.
They were holding extra water in those reservoirs because of the risk that it would be a dry summer, said Heather Cooley, director of research for California water policy organization the Pacific Institute. This puts agriculture at risk of insufficient water during the summer months.
Downstream entities used these releases for limited irrigation demand and groundwater recharge, the statement said.
This release is extremely concerning, Cooley said. Its providing zero benefit and putting California farmers at risk of water supply constraints in the coming months.
Btw this really pisses me off. My late grandfather grew fruit in Southern Oregon (Ashland) using
the winters waters from the snow pack and reservoirs
Btw the Central Valley is nowhere near Los Angeles and is blocked by mountains, valleys, and
hundreds of miles.

(3,868 posts)sick billionaire bastards (R).
First they attack the working men and women. Then they attack the water.
(36,862 posts)I choose both.
(58,710 posts)CrispyQ
(38,967 posts)

Will CA magas understand what he just did? Will they care?

(65,322 posts)
Never mind those mountain ranges, valleys, and the 200 + miles between where the water was
released and the L.A. Basin.
(8,543 posts)that is a beautiful map. thanks.
(65,322 posts)They must have known better.
(73,092 posts)The Corps of Engineers knows this was wrong but he gives the orders.
(65,322 posts)Maybe this order didn't rise to the level of "unlawful" but there will be worse to come.
(7,223 posts)The Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) addresses disobeying an unlawful order in Article 92. This article outlines the duties of military personnel to obey lawful orders and establishes the punishment for failure to do so.
Specifically, Article 92 of the UCMJ includes the following provisions:
Violation of a lawful general order or regulation (Section 1)
Failure to obey other lawful orders (Section 2)
Disrespect toward a superior officer (Section 3)
An unlawful order refers to any command that is contrary to law or is in violation of the Constitution or the UCMJ itself. If a service member receives an order that is unlawful, they have the right to refuse it without facing punishment, provided that they can demonstrate that the order was, in fact, unlawful.
Here's a relevant portion of Article 92:
(1) Violates or fails to obey any lawful general order or regulation; (2) Having knowledge of any other lawful order issued by a member of the armed forces, which it is his duty to obey, fails to obey the order; or (3) Is derelict in the performance of his duties; Shall be punished as a court-martial may direct."
In these cases, the order itself must be lawful. If the order is found to be unlawful, disobeying it is not punishable under the UCMJ.
(65,322 posts)Will Trump's appointees protect military who refuse unlawful orders? Hegseth now runs the military and Bondi will run DOJ.
We're in uncharted territory.
(1,449 posts)yardwork
(65,322 posts)Magoo48
(5,825 posts)The oaths we take are to our nation, our constitution, not to leaders who represent the antithesis of whats good for this land and our guiding document.
The military will be faced with moral dilemmas in the very near future. May they have the courage to do whats best for this land and all of its people.
(13,774 posts)which is larger that of Russia.
(9,845 posts)jeffreyi
(2,189 posts)Are seeing the light of what a s**show this is. By the way, there is some serious drought going on in that area. The lost water from these releases might not be not replaced by runoff. That will be a very bad thing come irrigation season.
(3,879 posts)Californians send more federal taxes than any other State.
(5,052 posts)Trump and his masters are terrified of Newsome coming into any sort of power nationally. They will kill hundreds of thousands if they have to in order to end Newsome's political career. I see FIVE attempts to recall him. Guess the GOP figured that method wasn't gonna work so now they are letting Trump destroy California agriculture, in hopes of ending Newsome's popularity and success at running one of the largest economies in the world.
(1,449 posts)Attilatheblond
(5,052 posts)and the corporate owned media spreading the needed propaganda
(10,930 posts)RainCaster
(12,039 posts)TSF is really on a winning streak isn't he?
(12,481 posts)
Evolve Dammit
(19,787 posts)Botany
(73,092 posts)which flows north and then out to the Pacific via San Francisco Bay not to Los Angeles.
Evolve Dammit
(19,787 posts)Retrograde
(10,886 posts)and redirect the Kern river over the mountains to the LA Basin. He doesn't comprehend that those crinkly-looking brownish parts of the map are some pretty high and rugged hills.
(188,360 posts)IronLionZion
(47,402 posts)or the dry fields will be at high risk of more wildfires.
(73,092 posts)
their growing season for nut production and Trump just dumped that water into a watershed
that flows north and then out to the Pacific if it doesnt evaporate before then. This is designed
economic terrorism on so many different levels to burn America to the ground by Stochastic and
other methods. And all those red voting farmers will still vote for the GOP. Fuck em.
We are in dangerous times with criminals in charge. These crazy acts are not done independently.
(3,127 posts)rurallib
(63,402 posts)who's going to stop him????
(8,106 posts)
(10,661 posts)a copy of any and all of your Top Secret Military intelligence, as well as any supplied to you from NATO countries, at no cost.
(2,731 posts)
(7,352 posts)Combine a lack of water with deported farm workers, and California farmers will have a very poor year.
Of course, this might be intentional. Maybe punishing California is his goal, but higher food prices will probably result.
Normally this would hurt him politically, but he isn't planning to run for reelection. He's planning on keeping his job without all the fuss of having an election.
He said so, and I believe him.
Of course he also said he was a Christian, and he loved Christians. Two lies and a truth?
Martin Eden
(13,755 posts)Last edited Tue Feb 4, 2025, 03:03 PM - Edit history (1)
Leopards are running rampant.
Maru Kitteh
(29,514 posts)Because they know the bad people are being punished. He hates who they hate, and that is all they really need.
(4,746 posts)Maru Kitteh
(29,514 posts)he sabatoge?
(4,720 posts)Attilatheblond
(5,052 posts)Jit423
(831 posts)NBachers
(18,279 posts)I highly fucking doubt it.
(10,661 posts)asked Colorado to release more water into the Colorado River in September a couple of years ago....... LOL LOL LOL LOL
I guess he didn't realize Colorado doesn't " Manufacture" water, and the snow melt had long since melted in May, June, and July.
BTW: Phoenix had realized that "developers" in their city, in order to keep building, needed vast amounts of water, so Phoenix had been taking more water than they were allocated, and no one noticed for years and years.
We here in Colorado have been rationing water for a decade or more.......Phoenix not so much. Flying over Phoenix, note the bright green, 30+ golf courses, and a pool in every resident's back yard..............As well as all the residences with bright green lawns.
(1,735 posts)Attilatheblond
(5,052 posts)Throw in the Convicted Felon's raging need to throw his weight around to sooth his own insecurities and there is gonna be trouble.
(13,004 posts)Requires Future Vote on Whether California
Should Become Independent Country. Initiative Statute
REQUIRES FUTURE VOTE ON WHETHER CALIFORNIA SHOULD BECOME INDEPENDENT COUNTRY. INITIATIVE STATUTE. If enacted, this measure places the following question on November 2028 ballot: Should California leave the United States and become a free and independent country? If at least 50% of registered voters participate in that election, and at least 55% vote yes, it would constitute a vote of no confidence in the United States of America and expression of the will of the people of California to become an independent country, but would not change Californias current government or relationship with the United States. Creates commission to report on Californias viability as independent country.
(13,774 posts)or conflict with those who want to split red northern CA from the blue south? Then there's the idea where northern CA joins eastern OR, WA and ID to become the Inland Empire state or country. Then there's CA, OR and WA becoming Pacific something or other ...
(13,004 posts)the idea that California sends a lot of wasteful tax dollars used by red states that aren't managed as well may appeal to some on both sides. On the other hand, a lot of farmers depend on Federal programs.
OAITW r.2.0
(29,289 posts)from this reckless action?
(34,601 posts)and his ridiculous request. That's the bottom line. When people are afraid to speak up we're all less safe.