General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsI think Boehner is going to do the right thing.
I think he will allow compromises to come to a vote and let a coalition of sane Republicans and the Democrats pass a budget funding bill and a highway bill.
Yeah, I'm sayin it. Boehner is going to stick it to the Tealiban as his last act in Congress. He's going to do it because he got a little bit of inspiration from the Pope and because he is sick and tired of kowtowing to the loony bin baggers.
Go for it John! I'm with ya!!!!!!!!!

a kennedy
(32,725 posts)Jamastiene
(38,197 posts)I wonder what they got on him. TPTB have to have some really damning evidence on him in some kind of compromising position for him to step down like that, so suddenly, out of the blue.
a kennedy
(32,725 posts)femmocrat
(28,394 posts)This is the most "statesmanlike" I have ever seen him. He's even kind of affable now that he has the burden lifted. He got all teary again when talking about the Pope. That experience really affected him in a profound way.
(67,112 posts)his party.
(51,311 posts)nolabear
(43,438 posts)I'd give a dollar to know what's going on in the background on both sides right now.
(27,315 posts)Hopefully, there are enough sane republicans to pass the bill.
(47,953 posts)Funding until December. Hopefully that is not the case.
(96,882 posts)avebury
(11,099 posts)his Speakership. If he wrote a tell all book that would be very interesting.