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had to go through, and while many will disagree with me, what I saw go on today has cemented my support for BERNIE SANDERS!
If Clinton becomes President I feel so very strongly that the grid lock WILL NEVER END! I've had it, they're crazy with hate and obstruction and it's ruining this country and dragging us down to hell!
I've just HAD IT! GO BERNIE!

(22,641 posts). . .they'll do it to any Democrat in the WH.
(15,435 posts)brings with her. A very long history of being in the top echelon of Political Society. There was NO NAME mentioned MORE than Hillary from the get go. They have been primed to go after her and the rest of the pack that essentially McCarthy made the gaff and said so.
They NEVER dreamed there would be a BERNIE! They put all their arrows in one quiver and it's going to take quite some time to build another super coalition against Bernie. In time they will be obstructionists as always, but I'm seeing this country YEARNING for anything else than what we have. There ARE some Repukes who don't like what's going on, but not a squeak out of them
Our very own Democratic Party isn't even working for US because they too are beholden to Wall Street. It will take time, but "we the people" can get new people elected, but to stay with the likes of DEBBIE WASSERMAN-SCHULTZ, there will be far less Democrats after 2016.
I'm one of them! I live in FL so have to remain a Democrat until after the primaries, but I will NO LONGER fall on my sword to get gored again. I may HAVE to vote for her if she's the nominee because of the Supreme Court, but it will be one unhappy vote!
Yep, pretty harsh I know... just have had enough. And I'm a Boomer and have been a part of many elections.
My heart and gut says there's NO OTHER WAY!
(28,749 posts)It is literally what they do.
(2,331 posts)Will be specifics used against Bernie if he is the nominee. Plus all the usual garbage they throw at all Democrats. Don't be naive and think they'll exempt him. That's why it's necessary for all democrats to unite for the general election, just as the administrators of this site intended when they set it up.
(51,907 posts)Whitewater was total bullshit, and it somehow morphed into an examination of Bill's sex life. I have littel interest in who officeholders are screwing--unless it happens to be the public.
And it really is true that they'll do the same to any Democrat. The utter disrespect they have shown to Obama makes that perfectly clear, and he certainly isn't radical.
(13,495 posts)behave any differently with a President Sanders than they have with President Obama or would with President Hillary Clinton.
(27,247 posts)Last edited Fri Oct 23, 2015, 03:49 AM - Edit history (2) the Almanac of American Politics calls Sanders a "practical and successful legislator."
He knows how to get things he wants from those bozos. And he's a crusty old fighter who won't put up with their shit.
(4,246 posts)but to think there will be anything but gridlock with this congress is naive.
We will secure Supreme Court appts should any come up. We will have a sane foreign policy.
But unless we gotv the midterms... we will just barely keep the ship of state upright.
We need to get rid of the crazy tea party. I don't know how long that will take.
(13,340 posts)make no mistake... if Bernie were to get the nod, this is what is in store for him. This is the way they operate.
(69,014 posts)They haven't lobbed so much as a feather at him. They WANT to run against Bernie.
(27,247 posts)He is leading all of their Klown Kar Kandidates.
(69,014 posts)Bernie is weak on foreign policy. Worse, his strengths are downright dangerous in foreign affairs. He is uncompromisingly straightforward, for which I love him, but foreign policy requires a far twistier soul and the ability to deal with the devil while smiling.
Hillary warmly shook Trey Gowdy's slimy hand. I couldn't. Bernie could, but I don't think he could smile while he did it.
Still, the GOP is so delusional that their attacks could win him the election. I would not hate seeing Bernie in the White House. How could I? I'd love to see someone take a hatchet to the banks.
I WANT you to vote for Bernie in the primaries. I want Hillary to win but I want it so close that the bulk of pressure on her will be from the left.
Hillary's strength has been forged in fire. Bernie caved to the gun lobby. (Understand, Hillary never had to because NY is a strong gun control state. Hillary had to support Wall Street, Israel, armed response to 9/11.)
(27,247 posts)In fact, she is probably worse
"We came, we saw, he died"
"Hey, even some people in Iran wouldn't mind if we started a war against Iran" (*Laugh*)
"Let's set up a no-fly zone over Syria!"
Her mentor is Henry Freaking Kissinger, for crying out loud
(69,014 posts)But I could be wrong. Lots of people think international relations are no different from national relations.
(138,104 posts)it doesn't matter who the democratic nominee is.
(15,435 posts)look like in my hands. I gave me reasons here.
(15,951 posts)hearings claiming that he and his administration are commies? They will go after any Democrat.
(15,435 posts)want something new to find out. And I DO think the younger generation has begun to see what's going on. I have 2 grand children who are voting age and they've said enough of Bush or Clinton. I know what I'm hearing from them and their friends because we live very close to each other.
We here are junkies, they need to see something else. Sure the crazies won't ever stop but I sincerely believe that Bernie will be able to get rid of some of our very OWN hard core DLC types and elect real Democrats.
What is happening now is just getting worse, just the mere "feeling" of making a real change in a completely different direction can't be all that bad. I look forward to it. I KNOW who Hillary is connected to, and BIG MONEY Wall Street isn't the way I can play anymore.
(27,247 posts)This ain't 1954, and Joe McCarthy has been dead for decades.
(9,917 posts)They would go apeshit over Bernie. I seriously think they will be harder on a president Sanders, than another President Clinton.
(15,435 posts)denbot
(9,917 posts)I had no idea my vote was my own to cast. Thank you so much for that insight.
(39,395 posts)Don't be fooled by these people.
(15,435 posts)I'm aware of how they work, what they do, and there MUST be a way to wake this country up because this Democratic Party is just as much to blame. I think he has gotten the ear of millions of people and they want something else. I include BOTH Parties.
I'm one very unhappy American who simply won't do the same thing again. It remains to be seen, but I WILL NOT be happy with Clinton. Throw what you want at me, I've already had too many sleepless nights. Status Quo... NO MORE!
Crap shoot or not!
(1,545 posts)Bleacher Creature
(11,482 posts)ms liberty
(9,943 posts)I didn't see or hear it all, some at lunch and then this evening, but she handled it really well. She definitely won this encounter, and it was a beautiful thing.
(15,435 posts)I'm sure you've heard of the old saying "You need to stand for something, or you'll fall for anything!" I've said it thousands and thousands of times. I realize when FDR ran it was a different time, but it's THIS time now and I'm ready to try to be part of the solution. Because if we don't break this syndrome, of all the monied people now, it just grows ands grows and gets worse.
Even after FDR was elected he had to fight with everything he had to make SOCIALIST CHANGES! They did hate him, but in the end this country started a great recovery. I'm NO Pollyanna, it's going to be damned hard so if I stand alone at least I stand for what I believe.
I've said it over and over, my eyes are open wide about what may happen. But I NEED to believe the people of this country are willing to put up a fight that I think is worth fighting for. America is no longer a shining beacon to so many other countries and if we aren't willing to change we deserve all the negativity they're throwing at us.
OKAY, that's it... I'm not unhinged or stupid. I am DISGUSTED!
(27,247 posts)One was the Carter Glass (D-Va) faction, which opposed a lot of New Deal programs. The other was the Joseph T. Robinson (D-Ark) faction, which supported most of the New Deal programs. Glass referred to New Deal programs as "Hitlerianism"
(652 posts)That kangaroo court farce is the lowest I've ever seen Congress stoop in a hearing. The Republicans somehow managed to top the Clinton impeachment. Lord, are they ever scared of the Clintons.
(63,221 posts)they go after them - with our tax dollars, mind you. What is it about the Clintons that frightens them so much? I am a Bernie supporter, but if Hillary gets the nomination I will vote for her over a republican. They make me absolutely sick in their hypocrisy. Hillary really held up well against them. I must say I have a new found respect for her.
(34,602 posts)And don't kid yourself. The elected repubs are a hateful bunch who oppose progress.
(109,713 posts)Any true believer for any candidate will feel betrayed when his preferred President has to face the same flawed political process as every other President.
(7,198 posts)dsc
(52,783 posts)refuse to work with him?
(12,675 posts)It's going to be gridlock no matter WHICH Democrat gets elected. At least Clinton has the potential to garner some sympathy for being constantly attacked as a stand-in for her husband (who is the true target of GOP hatred). America will get tired of that crap REAL fast.
(15,435 posts)Have a nice day.
(69,014 posts)It will continue until Democrats and "independents" get off their smug asses and VOTE IN NON-PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS.
I don't give a damn who you vote for in primary as long as you remember you're a Dem in November.
But your hated gridlock is a direct result of stayjng home in "off year" elections and it ain't Hillary's fault. It's ours.