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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsWhat will Hannity do when Trump goes down?
Will he have his Cronkite moment where Trump says "We've lost Hannity, we have lost the Presidency?" Or, will he ride Trump all the way down like Slim Pickins on the nuke?
Is Hannity a shrewd huckster who has parleyed far right and liberal doses of lies into a fortune, or is he an ideologue willing to lie, cheat and steal to spread his message? I hope he rides Trump all the way down, defending him every step of the way, his credibility with his own base evaporating!
Hope to see a lot of opinions.

(82,849 posts)But Hannity knows his audience, and he knows that they know what he tells them. If President Trump goes down, Hannity will be with him right to ground zero, then spend most of the rest of his career whipping up his audience with tales of how Trump was a victim of this awful conspiracy.
Unless, of course, Trump goes down crying like a baby. Then Hannity will simply forget all about the 45th president, like he's forgotten all about the 43rd president. He knows his audience will gladly join him in group amnesia.
(10,519 posts)I would like to see him done and over.
I agree I think he will go down with the ship and cry foul. The "He was framed by George Soros" or something would be his automatic response.
(29,242 posts)spanone
(138,167 posts)nini
(16,776 posts)
Binkie The Clown
(7,911 posts)Trump's name just won't be mentioned again, and it will be as if he never existed to begin with.
We've always been at war with Eastasia.
(10,744 posts)Instead of just putting them in the trash and knowing his place before the Victorious White Man.
Mark my words, 'undoing' the greatness that could have been the Trump Presidency will be Barrack Obama's fault.
History's response to that charge will be 'Then good for HIM for doing something about TREASON.'
History is not gonna be kind to this MisAdministration, or those who empowered it.
Laura PourMeADrink
(42,770 posts)even Rush. they are all focusing on Hillary. Like - why would you vote for
her - the evil one.
Makes me think they are so far into the doo-doo that they can't think of anything good.
But...they have been there many times and WON.
(5,400 posts)...he shoots himself in the head with his 2nd Amendment Solution, or jumps off of the top floor of Trump Tower.
(9,917 posts)Two months after the last traitor is sentenced, Faux News will show screen shots of tRump with a D after his name, and the talking heads of that network will be on about how tRump was an Obama plant, with Hillary clearing the path in order to destroy White Male America.
(58,724 posts)Invent conspiracy theories.
(5,788 posts)Where he goes won't rely on Trump. It will rely on his base.
If the +/-30% of hard core right wingers stay behind Trump so will he.
If that base turns on Trump, Hannity will be right there with them.
We already saw it last week when Trump started tweeting about the Freedom Caucus and Hannity sided with the FC.
At least that is the way I remember it. But I don't want to Google it. God forbid someone buys my browsing history and thinks I am interested in anything Hannity has to say.
(470 posts)Kahuna7
(2,531 posts)NewRedDawn
(790 posts)Had lots of practice.
(5,482 posts)1. Support until the Republicans finish turning on him.
2. Blame the Democrat Democrats for his failure.
3. Donald who?
4. Claim he was always against Trump; Trump was the Democrat's friend.