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Televangelist Pat Robertson warned that the backlash to Indianas anti-LGBT law signaled a renewed assault on Americans sexual practices and deeply held Christian beliefs.
Robertson used last night's broadcast of the 700 Club to bring up a pizza shop owner in Indiana who made national news when she told a TV reporter that she would not cater food at a same-sex wedding, Right Wing Watch reported.
Im not sure I would serve pizza for a gay wedding, Robertson said. Most gays, if theyre having a wedding, dont want pizzas they want cake. Its the cake makers that are having the problem.
The 700 Club host warned that if gay couples were permitted to serve Christian-baked cakes during their wedding reception, theres no telling where they would stop. Pat Robertson claims gay people will force Christians to embrace anal sex, endorse sex with dogs.
Too late, Pat.
(6,409 posts)You old twisted perv
(22,558 posts)It's always either that, or, in Scaliar's case, sodomizing a toaster.
(63,221 posts)They are waaaaay too preoccupied with it.
(6,039 posts)Blue_true
(31,261 posts)Good thing cross species fertilization don't work because we would have Christian Right horse-people.
(10,438 posts)CLEARLY isn't satisfying.
If he wernt such a fucking asshole about it, I'd probably feel bad for him, as getting to have at least satisfactory consensual sex on an at-least semi-regular basis kinda strikes me as a basic human right...
That, or he's just a piece of shit snake oil salesman who's ratings dropped off again this month.
(12,686 posts)The Velveteen Ocelot
(119,021 posts)A rhetorical question, obviously. People like Pat Robertson think about stuff like that. Why they do, I'll leave to the psychiatrists...
(20,586 posts)Bestiality doesn't even cross the mind of most people. What has been on his mind?
(11,856 posts)He keeps him alive just for laughs.
(22,558 posts)Bettie
(16,720 posts)think way more than most people about sex with animals.
(67,112 posts)MagickMuffin
(16,702 posts)Last edited Mon Aug 7, 2017, 11:30 PM - Edit history (1)
Are you trying to tell us something? After all you guys know how to project, you're really good at it!
(60,256 posts)Just FUCKING DIE, we're tired of you and your honking sanctimonious bullshit, and your farcical beliefs and your endless greasy scammy hustling greed.
Make the world a better place.
(67,112 posts)dalton99a
(83,119 posts)lunasun
(21,646 posts)Initech
(100,995 posts)They can stop ruining our country because, Jesus.
(13,433 posts)GOP sexual scandals I give shit if your gay but men's rooms really Larry Craig. hastert child rapist pig then narramore exposing him self in public.
(36,192 posts)It's assault
Although I doubt the distinction matters to the fucking weirdos who think and talk about it
(36,891 posts)It's sexual assault/rape.
(19,943 posts)Fantasy from some freak.
(20,075 posts)Practice sodomy and at least experiment with anal sex. No one forces them to do it although a bit of alcohol before hand increases the chances of it happening.
Now on to the next point, what do the dogs think of this?
(11,686 posts)Oh, sorry but it was just there.
(130 posts)The anal sex is somehow different if it is a man doing it to a woman, as if the rules for how the rear end functions change if the person in question female and attractive.
(6,813 posts)...a lot of Trump counties wouldn't know what to do with themselves if beastiality was outlawed.
(20,586 posts)Remember the scene in "Last Picture Show" where the teens put the simple boy ( Sam Bottoms) with the obese Tommy Sue in the back seat of the car? One of the teens said "I'd rather have a heifer than Tommy Sue." Not uncommon, not uncommon at all.
(65,052 posts)After living here the first 21 years of my life and then coming back 30 years later, I have to agree with you.
What the fuck do they do with all those farm animals?
(6,813 posts)You just asked one of them.
(65,052 posts)into a thicket to **** it...
The limerick goes down hill from there.
Apparently Massachusetts Man has a similar problem!!
Weekend Warrior
(1,301 posts)That of free will.
(67,112 posts)people like Robertson are a bunch of perverts getting their kicks off by talking about sex and others in perverted manners. Actually, I think many have started to recognize him for what he is.
(5,730 posts)He orgasms during the climax of his beastiality sermons.
(67,112 posts)Hieronymus
(6,039 posts)she hates his guts.
(22,558 posts)When I saw that Robertson made another one of with beastiality comments again, I inevitably thought of what our dear First Lady must have had to put up with.
(5,730 posts)pounds of lard, who is a pervert, misogynist & rapist, using her as his receptacle, for his pleasure, must be on her mind, every time he gets near her.
I think I would get ill and have to stay near my NY doctor.
(43,043 posts)Even if he does sit at the right hand of gawd.
(100,995 posts)Blue_true
(31,261 posts)When I wake up each day, bestially is the 10,000,000,000,000,000 thing on my list to think about that day.
(100,995 posts)And unfortunately I can't find that clip on Youtube.
(10,682 posts)SHRED
(28,136 posts)sandensea
(22,558 posts)Ostrich:
(31,261 posts)He likes them special.
(22,558 posts)she might just be able to oblige him.
(112,316 posts)syringis
(5,101 posts)Where does she find her dresses?
She always look like she pulled out a curtain and sewed it at the drop of a hat.
(22,558 posts)(with apologies to Vivien Leigh)
(5,101 posts)At least, Scarlett came out with something reasonably elegant...
I'm off topic but I have a question about "Gone with the Wind".
Notwithstanding that I enjoyed the book but, something titillates me, or to a certain point, more likely bothered me a bit. The slaves are described devoted to their masters, happy to stay slaves, almost horrified by these "emancipated nigger" with which they have nothing in common nor will deal with them.
The back cover picture the novel as a reflect of the living in the south.
I have hard time to believe it. Is it really an accurate image?
(22,558 posts)Historians agree, for instance, that slaves were generally mistreated and felt mostly fear for their masters - rather than attachment or loyalty (there were no doubt some exceptions - especially among the more fortunate house slaves, as Mammy was).
Most in fact had already run away by the time the Civil War ended - and even those who would have preferred to stay were often forced to leave because gross Confederate mismanagement of monetary policy (i.e. printing a flood of worthless money while the elite hoarded the gold for themselves) drove many plantations to the wall.
Most landowners lost their property that way, rather than through any "Yankee" seizures, as portrayed in Gone With the Wind (although that happened too).
We should note as well than most white people in the slavery era were dirt poor, and often fared worse than the slaves themselves; slaves, after all, were property and had to be minimally looked after.
There was a small white - even black - middle class (merchants, professionals, government officials, medium landowners, etc); but lion's share of the wealth was, as you can imagine, held by a relatively few families with hundreds, even thousands of slaves. Gone With the Wind seemed written mostly from their point of view.
(37,251 posts)...when they swallow whale-sized whoppers whole on a regular basis.
I first posted this in 2013, so where I say "22 years ago" below, make that 26:
I was cleaning out some old papers and found some notes I'd jotted down while watching Pat Robertson on his 700 Club show (back then I'd occasionally monitor Robertson and other politically active RW religious figures**cough**nuts**cough**)
The date on it is 2 Jan 1991, so just over 22 years ago. At the time it was halfway through Poppy Bush's presidency, 5 months after Saddam Hussein had invaded Kuwait, and a little over 2 weeks before "Operation Desert Storm" (i.e., while military assets were still being moved into place).
Pat "special link" Robertson's predictions and comments:
- Short war with Iraq
-low interest rates, prime rate to 7%, stocks plummet
-by September, vibrant stock market out on a limb
-Bush reelected
-collapse in '93
-God is holding off disaster so that evangelicals can get the job done
-people of God support CBN (Robertson's cable network-JHB), high increase in donations
-if we leave Saddam, we must garrison Saudi Arabia indefinitely. Must attack Saddam or he will ___(must have dropped the word that followed-JHB). We Are Americans and must act like Americans, not back down to some tin pot dictator
Considering the lack of opposition from the then-nearly-collapsing Soviets, the short war wasn't all that tough to predict, though I think he had in mind weeks not the "100 hour war" that resulted (as long as you don't count our presence in Iraq for the next 10 years). I haven't looked up how the interest rates, prime rate, and stock market fared. I think his "special link" glitched on the '92 election, and gee, somehow we didn't collapse in '93. As for the rest, the only rational response is to point at him and laugh one's fool head off.
(18,116 posts)WePurrsevere
(24,259 posts)And his fear of 'other' fundraising bull is just as ridiculous (and NOT 'WWJD') as it was then.
(22,558 posts)I always felt bad for the female duck whenever the male got in the mood. They're pretty brutal about it.
(24,259 posts)I prefer ducks. Roosters can be mean SOBs.
(22,558 posts)Archae
(46,631 posts)Hee!
(24,259 posts)milestogo
(16,992 posts)sandensea
(22,558 posts)He's a pig, and is screwing the country every damn day he's in office.
(16,992 posts)Xolodno
(6,589 posts)..."research" in bestiality. Just saying....
The Genealogist
(4,726 posts)He's been off the rails for decades, but this is just humorous. Ah well, people will still send in their love offerings to his overflowing bank accounts.
(21,646 posts)The 700 Club host warned that if gay couples were permitted to serve Christian-baked cakes during their wedding reception, theres no telling where they would stop.
Pat Robertson claims gay people will force Christians to embrace anal sex, endorse sex with dogs.
(112,316 posts)Which animal did you have bestiality relations with Robertson?
Binkie The Clown
(7,911 posts)...he needs for someone to force him to do it. So this is clearly wishful thinking on his part.
(48,264 posts)Hand is a money grubbing disgraceful excuse for a Christian man.
(8,617 posts)He is from Transylvania.
(22,558 posts)Talk about a wide stance.
(8,617 posts)Speaking of Larry Craig, Are we going to have another upper Midwestern Republican US Senator get caught toe tapping in the Minneapolis St Paul airport men's room?
(22,558 posts)After he heard what they named after him, I'm surprised he didn't change his name back to Santoro (it's Italian - but he doesn't want his bigots to know about that either).
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)However, box turtles have been disappointed to discover that it hasn't, actually, done anything for their romantic prospects.
50 Shades Of Blue
(10,625 posts)Kaleva
(37,440 posts)Turbineguy
(38,042 posts)34 too high.
Where men are men and the sheep are scared.
(24,928 posts)...past time for Pat to meet his maker.
(22,558 posts)3catwoman3
(24,928 posts)...would be most appropriate for someone as evil and perverted as he is. He is 100% creepy.
Blue Owl
(53,505 posts)kimbutgar
(22,361 posts)Those christofascist always fretting about other people's sex lives. Like they are not sexually satisfied themselves because they are repressed. Pat R might like doing it with a sheep.
Judi Lynn
(161,791 posts)with animals.
That's right, Pat, pray as hard as you can.
The best thing Pat can do is to keep busy so gays can't jam his mind
with thoughts of sex acts with animals.
Love the gif showing Trump saying something creepy to Melania and pompously turning his back. She is probably so damned sick of smiling at him when the world knows it he most clearly doesn't deserve a smile from anyone living. I would imagine she has worked harder being his companion than anyone on earth has ever worked. The fact he has lived to become such an incredible A-hole would be a testament to her amazing self-control.
(22,558 posts)From 1999:
Bank of Scotland yesterday pulled out of a multimillion-pound deal with the American television evangelist, Pat Roberston, after he claimed last week that Scotland was a 'dark place' overrun by homosexuals.
The bank must pay Robertson more than £10 million ($16 million at the time) for calling off the deal to set up a U.S. telephone banking network with the far-right preacher and politician.
This follows pressure from investors following a series of disclosures in The Observer and on US cable news about Robertson's view that Scotland was inhabited by powerful homosexuals and liberals.
However, Bank of Scotland's decision to buy Robertson out of the contract provoked anger, too.
Tim Hopkins, of the Edinburgh-based campaign group Equality Network, said: 'It's very, very unfortunate that he's ended up pocketing £10m which he can now use to promote his politics - although better that than 25% of future profits.'
(5,101 posts)Such fixation cannot be explained otherwise than beeing gay repressed himself...
(22,558 posts)or both.
Judi Lynn
(161,791 posts)With our luck, he still won't shut the F up after death, but will still get his vicious attacks back to the world, to keep us enlightened.
Except for Scotland, that is.
So glad to have learned this. Never knew, and only too happy to catch this infamy and add it to the collection of grotesque, appalling things I've heard about Pat, the Voice of Gawd.
Congratulations to Robertson-free Scotland.
(22,558 posts)Definitely on my bucket list.
(5,101 posts)No M Robertson.
You loathful ignorant bigot and your lobotomized followers will do.
What's your problem with homosexuality ?
Don't worry and rest in your shit. Those you stigmatize so conscientiously have what you will never reach, even in your craziest dreams : good sens and compassion. They will never torture animals, forcing them undergoing sex with scumbags.
Elwood P Dowd
(11,443 posts)Go back to stealing Social Security checks and retirement funds from the seniors you rip off on a daily basis.
Algernon Moncrieff
(5,852 posts)Be very careful - Do you know what happened when the gays took over Wilton Manors, Florida? A lot of houses were renovated, nightlife erupted, and property values rose.
(5,730 posts)Obliged to carry out his fantasy...which is his obvious obsession.
Sorry, for being rude. He just makes me ill.
(36,891 posts)They seem to be literally begging for it.
(51,311 posts)ProgressiveValue
(130 posts)workinclasszero
(28,270 posts)Why do these right wing fake Christians have bestiality on the brain?
Apparently they/Pat Robinson think about it all the time.