FEMA deadlines and tips for Texas and Florida!
I took a webnar yesterday, but left my notes at the office. The biggest take-aways are:
1. Most of the deadlines are 60 days from the event/damage (filing claims with FEMA and the Small Business Administration (SBA);
2. Shortage of FEMA staff means they will give up to $20,000 without a visit. The attorneys emphasized taking pictures of everything before, during, and after. They said "document, document, document." FEMA will follow up later and expect to see the documentation and that the money was spent FOR WHAT IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE SPENT FOR!
3. The FEMA cap is now $33,300 which includes any money or rent paid, anything you get;
4. The SBA is the biggest flood aid and does more than just small business loans. Disaster unemployment and food stamps too. Everyone should apply to them as well. Generally the less your income and worse your credit the lower your interest rate. Really good for self-employed and small business, but also employees;
5. Check your area's legal aid when you get denied. They said that FEMA frequently denies against the rules so "...all you do is site the correct rule and you win."
Wish I had more, but your State Bars of Florida and Texas will have this information on their websites.