samsingh's JournalIf the GQP is a virus
the treatment is to win office and then destroy the virus. It is not time to go easy and stop the antibiotics when it seems the virus has retreated a little (e.g. a Democrat became President). The virus only comes back stronger. Some examples:
1992 - Bill Clinton becomes President. The GOP virus retreats and then takes over the House while we are patting ourselves on the back for defeating Bush I.
2000 - The republicans steal the Federal election for Bush II while we talk about the need to get along and not disrupt the status quo.
2002 - we lost the Senate because the media shows pictures of Democrats seemingly out of touch with the common man (what a disgusting joke that is), while the republicans give the rich the most generous tax cut in history.
2004 - Kerry picks Edwards who decides to have an affair while running for office because he doesn't care about defeating bush at the polls. Meanwhile, the republicans probably stole another election for bush.
2006 - we win back the House because Nancy Pelosi firmly attacks Republican policies.
2008 - Obama wins as the republicans show how truly stupid their policies amid a complete financial system collapse.
2010 - somehow, we let the republicans win back the House and gerrymander races for the next decade.
and then we all shamefully know trump's history.
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