calimary's JournalMAN-oh-MAN! No Kidding!!!!!
Awwwww... thanks for everything you've contributed, my friend.
Dearest left-of-center2012, you are loved and deeply appreciated! Dont forget that. Well keep a light on in the window.
She's been a mess in EVERYBODY'S pants for far too long.
Shed look good in a nice orange jumpsuit.
Unfairly lopsided, that is.
Never in the history of the world has a single selfish, lazy, devious, myopic miscreant gotten away with so much icky business over so many decades!
It IS unfair! MASSIVELY so! And massively unfair to ALL the rest of us (especially all those of us who seek Justice and the thorough, all-encompassing, and preferably PERMANENT correction of bad behavior - with the required trial, conviction, and years of required incarceration)!
Making a note so I can more fully enjoy this later.
Well, that kinda tells you how big a QAnon "star" she really was.
Not exactly what you call an A-lister when they dont get around to reporting her death for three months
An eyesore is an eyesore is an eyesore.
Sell it for scrap and send the proceeds to Ukraine!
Keeping this one so I can find it later.
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