calimary's JournalI hope he's up to his yellow steel wool in indictments and other legal trouble.
I hope he NEVER gets out of legal trouble for the rest of his miserable, crooked, detestable, way-too-long-already life. More please!
Well, if that's the case, then we need to start making noise about it.
Increase its profile.
Make MORE noise. EVERYWHERE. To everybody and anybody who'll listen!
Start the drumbeat. Maybe nothing will happen today. Or next week. Or next year. But at least it'll be on the map, as it were. If we do nothing about it then FOR SURE nothing will get done about it.
I don't know what I loved more, the band rocking out or the kid trying to ignore the whole thing!
From your keyboard to God's screen!
Bikinis and beaches and Hollywood.
When we lived in SoCal, thats all our out-of-town friends wanted to see.
But more power to Canada! It always sounds more sane up there than here. Ever since Pox Noise got established, our whole country has gone downhill. Actually, even before that, when limbaugh became a household name.
There have always been nutcases and knuckledraggers but it seems so radically much worse nowadays.
Megan Coyne? Someone definitely to keep an eye on!
Young, smart, and with a big future ahead of her!
And Rachel Bitecofer, elsewhere in those tweets, is no slouch, either!
Which is why we need TERM LIMITS for the Supreme Court!!!
I have an ask already written about that, for next weekends Call to Action email that my Indivisible group issues.
Well. I count Kindergarten and Pre-Kindergarten as well as 1st-12th grades.
K and Pre-K were a full year each, with nap time in the middle of the day. We may have been let out earlier in the day, its hard to remember.
But if memory serves, Sister Celenita was our teacher a she spoke with an accent whose origin I never figured out. Shit - now that I think of it, I can still hear her distinctive little voice. We wore uniforms. We had a big classroom that was part of the school, alongside a big open patio that led out to the playground areas. When the school put on a performance of Cinderella, we were the mice.
Mainly if you fancy yourself as being among the power set someday.
Just a guess, but friendships (and friendships) get started for all kinds of reasons.
Again, just another worthwhile argument for TERM LIMITS for Supreme Court justices.
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