calimary's JournalHe eats their lunch.
And their dinner.
And their midnight snack.
And their breakfast the following morning.
And he might just steal their girlfriends if he wasnt already spoken for. Hes already stolen their hearts.
Smart, well-informed. And he's MIGHTY easy on the eyes.
He governs the most populous state in the union and has done it well. Scandal-free and clean as a whistle. And still young enough to have time to run for President some day.
Im just glad (and relieved) that hes OURS.
Aren't they gorgeous!!!
Ive got one starting out, too. Not old enough to start blooming yet, but soon enough.
Thank Fox "News".
AND Newsmax.
AND whatever other slanted opinion-based media piling on, too.
So do I. And I miss those days too.
Back before we had entire networks devoted to opinion journalism. Used to be there were just THE FACTS. Now, unfortunately, its about spinning those facts the way you want them to be, rather than simply what they are.
Guaranteed: he still sees himself that way.
Maybe that helps explain why he never suits up all the way. No jacket. Always in shirtsleeves. Maybe he thinks that brings him back, closer to what he was wearing in this long-ago photo.
He's not gonna want anything like that getting out.
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Gender: FemaleHome country: USA
Current location: Oregon
Member since: 2001
Number of posts: 85,104