calimary's JournalSorry you have to live with that plague, Traildogbob.
The Red State Plague. Red like a rash.
Yeah, honey, back when my parents were making all the decisions
and my job was studying, getting my homework done, and passing tests. Oh yeah - and feeding the cat. And I never gave a thought to national issues or current events, mainly because I never had to. Cuz I was A KID. That other stuff didnt come into my orbit til high school, when history class included mandatory reading of Newsweek.
When even worms are more admirable.
I kinda doubt trump will get behind anybody.
You've heard the expression "me, myself, and I" ? Well, with trump it's him, himself, and him.
Hopefully things will improve for you over time.
The trends seem to be indicating that. And we do have a smarter, more compassionate, and better-informed President overseeing it all now, as opposed to a few years back.
Yep. That should be chiseled into marble somewhere, SamKnause.
Corporations are not people.
Money is not speech.
Qualified immunity is a license to maim, torture, and kill.
Deciding when to stop counting presidential votes is election interference.
Asset forfeiture without evidence of a crime is theft.
If it were up to me, I'd add your sixth line. But I'll keep it to your first five lines. Then, it's suitable for a poster in an eighth-grade current events class.
What a terrific discovery!
I hope there are many more like him out there.
Here's to more happy dogs!
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