calimary's JournalYep!
We'd probably need that long to erase and/or roll back
and/or fix all the damage trump will have left behind.
Not necessarily. My best friend admitted to voting for trump - BECAUSE OF Mike Pence.
Sometimes it DOES make a difference. A BIG difference. Consider Biden at the top of the ticket. Hes quite elderly. In that case, a young and exciting new face (Beto? Harris?) would be a strong attraction. A very strong running mate with a much older figure at the top of the ticket would erase all fears of who could take over in case the president died while in office.
I agree with Tea Pain, too!
These are astonishing creatures! Looks like theyre perfectly equipped to blend in with a flower-filled environment.
Yep. Think devious. Then you'll know what he's up to and what he's after.
Yep. Putin wants more leverage. To turn the screws on his little orange poodle (or is that - puddle?) in OUR White House.
Agreed. But I don't see another female candidate with the kind of strength,
capability, or experience that Hillary had. And Hillary didnt lose. It was STOLEN from her.
I like Kamala Harris. Smart. Resilient. Brilliant! And young-ish. I just wish she had a few more years in the Senate first. But she does have a lot going for her. Including guts, and she remains cool under fire. VERY important. And she knows the law.
I like Elizabeth Warren, but shes a one-trick pony so far. Her signature strength is in consumer protections - and thats a very good thing. But her portfolio isnt wide or deep enough, IMO. And I cant forget how she sat things out and played coy all through the 2016 primary season, while EVERY OTHER Democratic woman in the U.S. Senate immediately stood up for Hillary. Where the fuck was she - until the very end when Clinton had clinched the nomination??? Thats not showing courage! OR leadership! I was MASSIVELY disappointed in her for that reason, and I remain so. That said, she would absolutely have my vote if she becomes our nominee. (I feel the same reluctance for the same reason toward the still-underwhelming Jeff Merkley, btw, and hes my Senator now.)
Amy Klobuchar - I like her, too. A lot. But theres not too much of a really high profile there, nor much pizazz. For those who must be excited by the prospective nominee, seems to me she doesnt move the meter much. Sad but true, and superficial as hell, but having pizazz actually counts, and counts for a lot. Might make a terrific VP though!
Hillary remains the only one who had it all, at least to me. But as much as it hurts me to say it, and as much as we still need her, I hope she doesnt run. I hated seeing her battered like that. Just HATED it! And I dont want to see her tormented and persecuted anymore! She deserved - and still deserves - so much better.
I still want US DEMS to be the party that finally seats a female Chief executive behind that Resolute Desk. At least, before the bad guys can do it with Nikki Haley or some such. I want that epic a history-making achievement to be OURS!
But Job One is to WIN. Ill vote, donate to, and work for WHOMEVER we wind up nominating. Male or female, young or old, white or not, Biden or Beto.
Hmmmm... trying to set up a trade so they can get Butina back?
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