calimary's JournalThis reminds me of that commercial that asked: "can you hear me now?"
For the first time, I think Im actually starting to be fearful.
But fear can be a great motivator. So Im gonna focus on making use of it.
Hey, whatever works. Sure beats sitting in silence and feeling depressed. I refuse to believe there isnt SOMETHING that can be done.
From your keyboard to God's screen!
At this point Im starting to wonder if Divine intervention is what its going to take to save our democracy.
Hey, whatever works!
At this point, any breakthrough is something to celebrate, and something to build upon!
"They're not here to hurt me." BOOM!
Boy does THAT speak volumes!
Six little words that were/are almost literally earth-shaking!
No shit. Still just burns my burgers to think what we COULD have had.
The ultimate glass-ceiling-breaker against the big yellow pissant - whos famous for lying and cheating.
Wow, Meadows sounds like a high-priced - um - "date".
Yeah. All these "charities" that Agent Orange "set up
are just funds hes using to buy defense lawyers.
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