calimary's JournalWhy can't they just be DONE with him and send him to jail?
NOTHING ELSE has gotten through to him. Not warnings. Not second and third warnings, not fines, NOTHING. Some time in custody might finally make an impression.
Might #5 be Cree?
From the map in the link, looks like central Canada north of either Montana or North Dakota. Hard to tell exactly.
And he was a stealth candidate.
Nobody'd even heard of him before he was elevated into the Speakership. Somehow I think that was the plan... And the more we get to know him, the worse we realize he is!!!
Even ONE A-bomb can ruin EVERYBODY'S day.
The fallout spreads with the wind, and a single one can generate all kinds of poisons wafting through the air. All over the general area. Like random aerial cancer deliveries. And it may not manifest as symptoms until years later.
From what Ive read, an A-bomb is for keeps.
Great to know! Thanks!
Ill be watching for one.
We dont get much Trick-or-Treater action up here in my neighborhood, but Ill STILL be keeping an eye out for em
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