KittyWampus's JournalA Tweet From Far-right Icon Le Pen Causes Anger In France
Jean-Marie le Pen, the father of France's mainstream far right movement, provoked both outrage and support on Friday when he tweeted an image of his daughter Marine le Pen with the slogan "Keep Calm And Vote Le Pen.
"The elder Le Pen's message came as police struggled with two separate hostage standoffs in Paris. At least one of the incidents is believed linked to a terrorist attack on the offices of satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo that left 12 people dead Wednesday.
France's National Front, the far right party led by Marine le Pen, is widely expected to make political gains in the aftermath of the attacks. In an interview after the attack on Charlie Hebdo, Marine le Pen said that she had been warning of the dangers of Islamist fundamentalism for years. "It is the Islamists who have declared war on France," she told France 2.
While France's next presidential election isn't due until 2017, some polls are already showing Le Pen as the most popular candidate in first round voting. Socialist incumbent Francois Hollande has struggled with economic woes and personal problems since taking office in 2012. His approval ratings hit record lows last year.
CONUNDRUM: After Charlie Hebdo, Should French ‘Unity’ Include The Far Right?
NeoNazis are mainstreaming themselves in European countries. It is almost never talked about on DU.
The NeoNazis in Europe have politicians in office and accomplices in the police and security structures. IMO, it seems a tipping point is being approached where people worldwide will necessarily have to reject this rightward push. The molasses will finally be falling of the spoon.
Summarizing the article- Presiden Hollande invited his rival Sarkozy to a rally in support of Charlie Hebdo/national unity. He accepted but Far Right pols (Marine Le Pen) were not invited. Does unity mean associating and legitimizing Far Right/NeoNazis who are fanning the flames of hatred?
The gruesome attack on Charlie Hebdo has rallied the French political class, including the magazines former critics, behind the banner of national unity. But the leader of Frances National Front says she has been left out.
Sacred union
In the spirit of unity, President François Hollande invited his arch-rival to the Elysée Palace
. (he) accepted Hollandes invitation to attend a rally in support of Charlie Hebdo and national unity on Sunday
. the French press have described the rare showing of bipartisanism as a return to the union sacrée (sacred union) an ironic wording in a country known for its staunch secularism and strict separation between politics and faith.
By Thursday afternoon, most other parties had followed suit, with the notable exception of the National Front (FN). Its leader, Marine Le Pen, said she had not received an invitation. She denounced the FNs exclusion from the rally and proclaimed the end of national unity.
Earlier, Le Pen had told reporters that she trusted the government would have the wisdom to invite the representatives of a party that polled 25% of the vote in the last election, referring to last years European polls, in which the FN came first amid record-low turnout.
The question of whether to invite Frances far right presents a dilemma for Hollandes Socialist government, which is traditionally averse to any dealings with a party it deems un-republican.
By failing to invite Le Pens party, the government exposes itself to claims it undermined its own call for unity. If it chooses otherwise, it will incur the wrath of the FNs many foes.
The boundaries of the Republic
There can be no exclusion from national unity, said Prime Minister Valls on Thursday, though adding that this unity must be built around certain values that are profoundly republican of tolerance, of a refusal to associate [Islam with extremism].
The latter remark was widely interpreted as a suggestion that the FN did not meet these requirements.
François Lamy, a former Socialist minister, said only republican parties, which refuse to stigmatise and stoke fear, should take part in Sundays rally, implying that the National Front was not welcome.
On Thursday, police said two mosques were hit by gunfire and grenades in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo shooting. No injuries were reported.
The National Front has been accused of fanning tensions with its repeated rants against immigration and Islamic fundamentalism. France is home to Europes largest Muslim population, a large part of which is made up of first- and second-generation immigrants.
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