WillyT's JournalDo You Think Anybody In The Democratic Party Pays Attention To Voters Who Post Online ???
Because they should...
When they start the same old tired pablum in September... I think many will tune out.
Does the Democratic Party even have a person or two tuned into what's going down online?
Anybody know?
MUST READ: The Quashing Of A Case Against A Christie Ally - NYT
The Quashing of a Case Against a Christie AllyBy MICHAEL POWELL - NYT
Published: October 10, 2013
Bennett A. Barlyn was dismissed as a Hunterdon County prosecutor after claiming that the state attorney general killed an indictment to protect prominent supporters of Gov. Chris Christie.
FLEMINGTON, N.J. Prosecutors sent tremors through rural Hunterdon County when they announced a sweeping indictment of the local Republican sheriff and her two deputies in 2010.
The 43-count grand jury indictment read like a primer in small-town abuse of power. It accused Sheriff Deborah Trout of hiring deputies without conducting proper background checks, and making employees sign loyalty oaths. Her deputies, the indictment charged, threatened one of their critics and manufactured fake police badges for a prominent donor to Gov. Chris Christie.
When the charges became public, the indicted undersheriff, Michael Russo, shrugged it off. Governor Christie, he assured an aide, would have this whole thing thrown out, according to The Hunterdon County Democrat. That sounded like bluster. Then the state killed the case.
On the day the indictment was unsealed, the state attorney general, a Christie appointee, took over the Hunterdon prosecutors office. Within a few months, three of its most respected veterans lost their jobs there, including the one who led the case.
Not long after, a deputy attorney general walked into a local courtroom and handed in papers that, with little explanation, declared that the indictments were littered with legal and factual deficiencies.
A judge dismissed the indictments. Soon after, officials took the unusual step of shipping all evidence to the capital, Trenton.
The killing of an indictment is a rare event...
More: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/10/11/nyregion/43-count-indictment-of-a-christie-ally-quashed.html
Report: NSA Spying On Computers Around World - USAToday
Report: NSA spying on computers around worldWilliam M. Welch, USA TODAY
9:41 p.m. EST January 14, 2014
The National Security Agency has placed software on nearly 100,000 computers around the world that allows it to conduct covert surveillance on the machines, the New York Times reports. The technology gives the agency access to private computer networks yet could also create a virtual highway for cyberattacks, the Times said in a story published on its website Tuesday.
The agency describes its efforts as part of an "active defense" against foreign cyberattacks rather than an offensive tool. But U.S. officials have protested when similar software was discovered to have been placed on computers in this country by Chinese attackers.
"What's new here is the scale and the sophistication of the intelligence agency's ability to get into computers and networks to which no one has ever had access before," James Andrew Lewis, the cybersecurity expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, told the Times.
The report said most of the software is inserted into individual computers by gaining access through computer networks. But citing agency documents and computer experts, it said the NSA has also made use of secret technology that allows it to enter or alter data even in computers not connected to the Internet.
The technology, in use since 2008...
More: http://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/2014/01/14/nsa-computer-surveillance/4483433/
How Will YOU Know When The Overthrow Of Our Democracy Is Complete ???
TPP gets ratified and signed ???
Supreme Court affirms the NSA's right to total awareness ???
Electronic voting, purge lists, etc.
Or... has it already happened...
Election 2000 ???
Patriot Act, post 9-11 ???
LOL !!!
13 Words You Probably Didn't Know Were Invented By ShakespeareHuffPo
Posted: 01/14/2014 7:55 am EST | Updated: 01/14/2014 4:43 pm EST
Definition: To talk loudly and in a way that shows anger: to complain in a way that is unreasonable
Origin: Derived from the Dutch "randten," meaning "talk foolishly."
Quote: "I'll rant as well as thou." - Hamlet
More: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/01/14/shakespeare-words_n_4590819.html?utm_hp_ref=mostpopular
With Today's Various Depressing News Stories... What Do You Think Turn-Out Will Be In 2014 ???
I have no idea, yet I live in California.
We ain't perfect... (Feinstein, Harmon...)...
And... I vote EVERY Election.
My question is, in the final analysis... how do we get the rest of the country to treat 2014, as a Presidential Election?
I think it's our only hope.
Are You Willing To Forgive New Jersey Dems Who Backed Christie, If...
they roll over on him now?
Seems like a great opportunity to get this particular monkey off their backs.
Or is the threat of corruption way too deep for that?
The Trouble With Christie - George Packer/TheNewYorker
The Trouble With ChristieGeorge Packer - TheNewYorker
On the scale of Teapot Dome and Iran-Contra and even Monica, the four-day closing of two approach lanes to the George Washington Bridge is very minor league.
So why do I keep having flashbacks to 1972? Some of the parallels are weirdly exact. Whether or not he ordered the Watergate bugging, Richard Nixon ran a campaign of dirty tricks for two reasons: he wanted to run up the score going into his second term, and he was a supremely mean-spirited man. Nixons reëlection campaign reached out to as many Democrats as possible (not just elected officials but rank-and-file blue-collar workers and Catholics). Nixon ran not as the Republican Partys leader but, in the words of his bumper sticker, as just President Nixon. His landslide win over George McGovern translated into no Republican advantage in congressional racesthe Democrats more than held their own. The Washington Posts David Broder later called it an extraordinarily selfish victory.
Christies 2013 reëlection tracks closely with this story: an all-out effort to court Democrats in order to maximize his personal power, and a landslide victory in November, with all the benefit going to the Governor, not to his fellow-Republicans in the state legislature. On Christmas, the Times published a piece about Christies long record of bullying and retribution. In it, the Fort Lee traffic jam was mentioned as just one of many cases (and, I have to admit, not the one that stayed with me) of vengefulness so petty that it inescapably called to mind the American President who incarnated that quality, and was brought down by it.
In the e-mails that went public last week when the scandal broke, the tone of Christies aides and appointees displays the thuggery and overweening arrogance that were characteristic of Nixons men when the President was at the height of his popularityutter contempt for opponents, not the slightest anxiety about getting caught. In both cases, whether or not the boss sanctioned these actions, the tone came from the top. Its the way officials talk when they feel they have nothing to fear, when theres a kind of competition to sound toughest, because thats what the boss wants and rewards. Once all hell broke loose, Christie insisted, in a compelling and self-indulgent press conference that, like his keynote speech, was all about himself, that he was the scandals biggest victim. I am not a bully, he said, in an echo of one of Nixons most famous remarks.
Character is destiny, and politicians usually get the scandals they deserve, with a sense of inevitability about them. Warren G. Harding surrounded himself with corrupt pols and businessmen, then checked out, leading to the most sensational case of bribery in American history. Ronald Reagan combined zealotry and fantasy, and Oliver North acted them out. Bill Clinton was libidinous and truth-parsing but also cautious, while George W. Bush was an incurious crusader who believed himself chosen by God and drove almost the entire national-security establishment into lawlessness without thinking twice. Christie, more than any of these, is reminiscent of the President whose petty hatefulness destroyed himwhich is why, as NBCs newscaster said when signing off on an early report on that long-ago burglary, I dont think weve heard the last of this.
The rest: http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/comment/2014/01/the-trouble-with-christie.html
Wow !!! - In Case You Missed This... Because Of Christmas...
Stories Add Up as Bully Image Trails ChristieBy KATE ZERNIKE - NYT
Published: December 24, 2013
In 2010, John F. McKeon, a New Jersey assemblyman, made what he thought was a mild comment on a radio program: Some of the public employees that Gov. Chris Christie was then vilifying had been some of the governors biggest supporters.
He was surprised to receive a handwritten note from Mr. Christie, telling him that he had heard the comments, and that he didnt like them.
I thought it was a joke, Mr. McKeon recalled. What governor would take the time to write a personal note over a relatively innocuous comment?
But the gesture would come to seem genteel compared with the fate suffered by others in disagreements with Mr. Christie: a former governor who was stripped of police security at public events; a Rutgers professor who lost state financing for cherished programs; a state senator whose candidate for a judgeship suddenly stalled; another senator who was disinvited from an event with the governor in his own district.
In almost every case, Mr. Christie waved off any suggestion that he had meted out retribution. But to many, the incidents have left that impression, and it has been just as powerful in scaring off others who might dare to cross him...
More: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/12/25/nyregion/accounts-of-petty-retribution-reinforce-christies-bullying-image.html?_r=0&pagewanted=all
(In A Nutshell) - If Gov. Christie Had NSA’s Metadata - Robert Parry/ConsortiumNews
If Gov. Christie Had NSAs MetadataBy Robert Parry - ConsortiumNews
Even those who trust President Barack Obama not to exploit the National Security Agencys vast stockpiles of metadata to wreak havoc on some political rival or citizen should take pause at the evidence that New Jersey Gov. Chris Christies staff orchestrated a massive traffic jam as apparent retribution to Democratic officeholders who got in his way.
Until the evidence of this skullduggery traced back to Christies personal staff last week, the Republican governor was considered a favorite to win the GOP presidential nomination and was given a decent chance to win the White House in 2016.
So, what if the evidence of his staffs role hadnt come to light and the American people had no idea how vindictive a President Christie or his staff might be? What if Mr. I Am Not a Bully had gotten control of the NSAs metadata detailing how virtually every American moves through life leaving behind electronic traces of their personal routines, habits and secrets?
There was a reason why John Adams and other Founders sought a government of laws, not of men. They understood that all sorts of people were likely to achieve power during the course of a nations history and that while some would respect the rights of others some surely would abuse their powers.
Laws were needed to constrain how far a powerful person could go in such abuse by holding out the possibility of legal accountability. In a nation of laws, even the highest official could be brought down by engaging in some egregious misuse of power.
But the current danger is worse than the Founders could have ever imagined...
More: http://consortiumnews.com/2014/01/14/if-gov-christie-had-nsas-metadata/
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