brooklynite's JournalExplain exactly what the two have to do with each other?
Let's accept that you're struggling and want a real progressive to fix things. What you're ignoring is that nominating the progressive is useless if the progressive can't actually get elected. President Obama implemented a health insurance program that doesn't work as well as single payer, but you wouldn't have gotten single payer implemented in this environment, so your choice is incremental change under a mainstream candidate vs. nothing under a Republican. You want Bernie Sanders? Great. Just explain exactly how he wins a national election.
As for me and my wife? I've worked for the Government for 25 years; my wife is a successful lawyer who works for responsible clients. We chose to under-pay for housing in our early years so we could afford a nice house later; we chose not to have children; and we invest our available funds responsibly to build a nest-egg. That answer your question?
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