Mr. Scorpio
Mr. Scorpio's Journal"Offended?" Don't make me fucking laugh.
I'll tell you, the political and media denizens of this great nation have no right to be "offended" by Michelle Wolf's routine at the White House Correspondent's Dinner. Especially since they're the very people who willfully imposed Trump and trumpism on our body politic for fame and fortune.
What Michelle Wolf did last night was that she held up a mirror to all of these people, so they could gaze upon the lies, crassness and ugliness within. Did they expect to be congratulated? Praised? Coddled? Fuck that, they're adults and they know what they all did. It's about time that they sat back, shut the fuck up and face the music for once in their pathetic lives.
And all of this happened just as Trump was continuing his shit show just directly north of where live, right here in Michigan. (Shit, I wish that I could have teleported everyone inside that gawd damned arena to Mars).
So what the fuck did these people expect after witnessing the last two years of bullshit? If anything Michelle Wolf let them off easy by not mentioning the fact that treason and the enabling of treason has not only put us into this mess, but it also prevents us from punishing the traitors.
There they were, sitting around in their fancy outfits, drinking and dining sociably, while this country is being undermined by a foreign power and its puppet in the Oval Office. THAT'S offensive.
So, no. They don't get to be offended because Michelle Wolf had the bravery and the temerity of putting into proper perspective the state of affairs that these very people aided and abetted by promoting Donald Jackass Trump.
The mere fact that Trump was a mere thirty minutes away from Flint last night and all he did last night was to tell lies and massage his own ego was a testament to the fact that everything that Michelle Wolf said had to be said. If it made them uncomfortable, they only have themselves to blame.
Bravo to Michelle Wolf, a real American hero.
Former Police Cadets Say Academy Trained them to be Hostile to the Public

Former Austin cadets describe a culture at training academy where instructors degrade less fortunate community members.
Several former cadets at the Austin police training academy notified the city through a formal letter about the brutal and violent nature of the training they received to become police officers as the 137th Cadet Class for the Austin Police Department.
Instructors would threaten to "punch you in the face" if you said you wanted to become an officer to help people, according to former cadet Summer Spisak.
Academy staffers told cadets that a suspect who resists "just earned a legal ass-wooping," Spisak also told the Austin-American Statesman.
Spisak, who wanted to become an officer after the Dallas police shootings in 2016, was unable to complete police academy due to an injury she suffered while practicing take-down moves after an instructor ordered another cadet to "throw her down like a man."
One instructor told cadets they needed to achieve a "winning warrior mentality" by choosing some person in their daily lives - preferably not a child or older woman - and visualize themselves "shooting that person in the face."
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