Shipwack's JournalNC infrastructure attack predicted by G. Gordon Liddy in 1989
When I first heard about the substation attack with rifles, something tickled the back of my mind. I knew I had heard of this before.
After a couple of days of searching, I found it. A story G. Gordon Liddy wrote for Omni magazine back in 1989. Granted, he foretold a more widespread attack by a terror cell financed from abroad, but it is an interesting read nonetheless. He also points out other vulnerabilities we had then, and we still have today.
Of course, take the whole thing with a shaker of salt because it is Liddy, after all. I especially like the part at the end when his solution to a United States in shutdown is to invade an uninvolved country (really!).
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Name: David LangdonGender: Male
Hometown: Texas
Home country: United States
Current location: Elgin, TX
Member since: 2002
Number of posts: 2,446