Crunchy Frog
Crunchy Frog's JournalThe real fascists mostly aren't on the streets.
They're in the White House and Congress and state legislatures. They're on the judge's benches and in the corporate boardrooms, in ICE and other law enforcement, in the think tanks and the RW propaganda apparatus, and too many other places to name.
Anyone who thinks that beating up some punks in the streets and destroying property is even going to touch the real fascists is incredibly naive or living in a fantasy world.
That's JMHO.
There's no evidence that there was any political motivation
On the part of the Dayton shooter, and to suggest that there was is to play in to the RW narrative.
Everything I've read about him describes him as someone with a long term fascination with guns, violence, and mass shootings. He had stated on previous occasions a desire to kill people, and was expelled from school for maintaining "hit" lists and rape lists.
The El Paso shooter demonstrated clear political motives, repeating the kind of rhetoric that Trump uses about Mexicans, and even writing a "manifesto".
Let's not take "both siderism" too far, especially not when it favors an incorrect RW narrative.
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