murielm99's JournalI have written another LTTE about the angry MAGAT who
pounded on my front door and shouted. I did not name him by name, but people will be able to figure it out.
I have submitted the LTTE to several area newspapers. I have made a FOIA request for the incident report from the deputy who responded, and all 911 records. I will be getting a ring doorbell device.
I am 74. I am armed. Don't get worried, everyone. All the farmers up and down my road are armed. It is the normal thing around here.
I think many of you have seen my post about the
angry MAGAT at my door.
I have requested copies of the deputy sheriff's report on his visit to my house. The deputy told the MAGAT to go away and stay away. I have requested the 911 transcripts. I have contacted the newspaper reporter who directed me to the right places to submit letters. I am in the process of getting ring doorbell cameras for my front and back doors. (People in the country usually come to the back door).
I am thinking about writing another letter and describing the incident. A school board candidate came to my door, pounded, shouted and threatened me with legal action. We try to prevent bullying in schools. We do not elect bullies to the school board!
This time, I might call him by name. I did not do that in my original letter. What do you think, fellow DUers?
The angry Magat at my door.
We have six people running for four school board positions here in the April 4th election. It is a consolidated election, nonpartisan. A friend informed me that two of the six home school their children. I called the school board member who gave her that information. He is a Democrat, and someone I know. He called the elementary school principal who confirmed that the two are still homeschooling their children. I thought that a school principal and a school board member (who is a retired school principal with a PhD in education) were reliable sources. I wrote a letter to the local paper stating that I had discovered that two of the candidates home schooled their children. I stated that I felt that people who home schooled their children had no business making decisions for our schools. They did not support our schools. I encouraged readers to vote for the other four candidates. I named them and expressed my support for them. I never used the names of the two who allegedly home school. (I did not use the word "allegedly" in my letter).
The letter appeared in the paper. The next day, an angry man pounded on my front door. I answered the door, but I did not let him in. He had a newspaper clipping of my letter in one hand and a checkbook in the other. He told me who he was (I knew) and informed me that there were things in my letter that were "not true." He flapped the clipping at me. He said does not home school his children. He and the other woman who do not send their children to public school here send them to nearby parochial schools. He flapped his checkbook at me and said he could prove that he spends $8,000.00 a year on private school tuition. I don't see much difference. He does not send his kids to school here. He does not support our public schools. I did not argue with him about that or anything else while he was shouting on my doorstep.
I did not unlock my storm door and did not let him in. He kept hinting that he wanted to come in because he could not hear me over the traffic on the road. I called the sheriff. The sheriff sent a deputy. The deputy spoke to him while he sat in his truck. The deputy came into my house and spoke to me. The Magat is not allowed to come back onto my property. Apparently this Magat is a known hothead. He once interrupted a church meeting because he did not like the way they were going to spend money on an elevator. He is a sporadic church attendee.
This Magat told me that he has already seen a lawyer. He is going to sue me for slander, libel and defamation of character. (Remember, I never used his name in my letter). He said we were the subject of "frequent litigation." Thirty-five years ago, my husband and his father were sued by neighbors to my father-in-law's farm property because they had loose cattle. There were two incidents. My husband and father-in-law lost both times. My husband solved the problem by selling all the cattle and refusing to raise any more. The Magat was about four years old then. His family had nothing to do with the lawsuit. They were neighbors only.
My husband does not think this Magat can sue me. He just wants to be a bully. I can support whomever I want for school board. I did not use the Magat's name in my letter. I let my Democratic friends know what is going on. One of them suggested that I get a copy of the deputy's report and any 911 calls. I will do that. I have the FOIA form for it right now.
Any suggestions? Some DU members have spoken about encounters with Magats in grocery stores.
I do not know if the guy started out home schooling and then switched to private schools. I am told that he home-schooled because he is anti-mask and very right wing. I have known him since he was a child. He and his whole family are unpleasant. My friends now report that he is a hothead and a bully.
I am not sorry I wrote the letter. However, I do not want to spend a lot of money on lawyers. We are not poor, but why should I have to go through this? What do you think?
Back after looking at the scan results.
The tumor is the same size, but it is probably dead tissue. It has not grown. The doc says everything is satisfactory. My body may discard what is left in my lung.
I will have another scan in June.
I had my first scan yesterday.
I am going to the oncologist this afternoon to look at results.
Local elections are important.
I live in a rural red county in blue Illinois. I am a Democratic precinct committee leader and I pay attention to who is running for what.
I discovered recently that two of the six candidates running for school board in my community home school their children. Why? They are very right-wing anti-maskers. I have known one of them since he was a child.
People who home school their children have no business making decisions for our school district. They do not support our schools. It is clear to me that these two have an axe to grind. I am spreading the word with phone calls and emails. I will be writing some LTTEs later today.
Pay attention to local elections, everyone!
Local elections are important.
I live in a rural red county in this very blue state. I am a Democratic precinct committee leader and I pay attention to who is running for what.
I discovered recently that two of the six candidates running for school board in my community home school their children. Why? They are very right wing anti-maskers. I have known one of them since he was a child.
People who home school their children have no business making decisions for our school district. They do not support our schools. It is clear to me that these two have an axe to grind.
I am spreading the word with phone calls and emails. I will be writing some LTTEs later today.
Pay attention to local elections, everyone!
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