PCIntern's JournalHere's a question about Alex Witt...
I'm going to suspend all harshness and vituperative rhetoric and ask the following:
When she asks a question about Trump machinations which has as its premise an exculpatory explanation for the behavior of one of these individuals, does anyone else here feel that it is a question posed in outrage and pro-Trumpism rather than a journalistic opposite question which is designed to elicit an explanation of why the guest feels that the behavior is, shall we say for the sake of argument, criminal?
The reason I ask this is that her voice gets pitched and often sounds angry while asking such questions.
Hey, remember that he was going to have his own Waffen SS Guard in the WH?
What ever happened to the thug patrol he was going to have stationed there for his protection? Did they get fired? Did the Secret Service throw them out? Are they still there?
To answer your question Mr. Cohen, "Says who?"...
Says the Federal Judge, thats who.
Oh...and one more thing: Fuck You.
Steve Schmidt is the Mark Twain of
modern politics. His rhetoric is so pithy and right on the mark that I almost literally weep that we didnt have him, or a guy like him, all these years in our Party
Its like having Abba Eban on 21st Century Teevee
I'm certain of one thing: he's a lousy fuck.
And Im not referring to being infected with insects...
All these women he hates: all these women he paid to have sexual relations of some type, my guess is of the rapid variety.
Every time I see a woman on the teevee machine lambasting him I think to myself: she KNOWS hes a rotten lay. These gals are sharp and know their men and mens behavior. Hes not onlyva sociopath, a narcissist, a phony through and through, but hes also ugly and incompetent in the bedroom.
Now normally this would be a non-issue, but heres a creep who bragged about going into changing rooms of underage women and also grabbing genitalia of other women. Who the hell does these things except for a pervert who has to say the least a bizarre sexual orientation and behavior. Its the mark of someone who has trouble getting hard and staying there I guarantee.
He boasted for years on the Howard Stern show and elsewhere about his sexuality, stated that he survived his own Vietnam-style War over venereal disease. He must have really plowed his way through the women in Manhattan right? Anybody showing up and proud of their man who is now President? Its all crickets out there.
Like everything else out of his mouth he lied about his adequacies in the sex game. Hes a loser there too. He is what we used to call an AZ: Absolute Zero.
Remember the new definition of "Santorum"? Well what is that of "smocking"?
Mine is: it is the sound from the bowl of the toilet when a combination of Trump Hair, dye, Great Looking Hair Formula #9 (Ronco's GLH-9), tanning spray particles, and semen is flushed.
(I added the last for vomity-verisimilitude)
Ann Coulter for COS
Im serious. Why shouldnt he pick her? Blond, Ruthless, knowledgeable of the players, blond, frequent guest on FOX, right-wing in extremis, loudmouth, blond, short skirts, insulting in extremis.
Whats the problem?
Who's to stop him from pushing the Red Button?
Hannibal Lecter is in charge of the Asylum
This is why I like my People's, i.e. Jewish, funerals:
Within two days (unless the family wishes longer for certain reasons) the family and friends who are able to assemble do and have a service, either in a chapel or graveside. The service is often short, although people may elect to speak if the family so wishes. The Mourners' Kaddish is recited: a prayer to give strength to the remaining individuals and an acknowledgement that although the individual has been taken, God is still praised. The individual is buried literally: each person has the option of shoveling dirt on the casket if he or she so wishes, there is a mutuality and admission of mortality, and people adjourn to the home of the deceased or that of a relative for something to eat, drink, and reminisce with others. A service may be held nightly for as long or as short a period of days as the mourners require for their own needs or if they are observant, for the requisite number of days. If a holiday or festival commences, this Shiva period ends immediately. Sometimes there is no Shiva (as there wasn't for my mother) because the person dies the day of or the day before the holiday.
My point is, it isn't dragged out like this almost EVER, (save once in my lifetime) and life goes on. No matter how prominent and/or successful and/or intellectual the deceased is, he or she is not sanctified and canonized as a saint among sinners. This week for me has been excruciating but since I am an egalitarian fellow, I shrug and say: To Each His/Her Own.
(As a post-script, the one time the pre-burial period was extended to a week was when a very prominent Democratic fundraiser passed away here in Philadelphia, and the family wanted to have every living Pennsylvania Democratic and certain Republican (Senator Specter) politician attend and several to speak at his funeral. What an adventure it was.)
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