PCIntern's JournalJoe and Mika have been MIA
My question is : which hotel?
Or perhaps a suite at Trump Tower..,.
...and now for something completely different:
So I had this dental patient in the chair today and her chief complaint, as it were, was that her teeth had become badly stained under her Invisalign Orthodontic Retainers. I shone my dental lamp on them and in fact they had turned a rather light shade of Burnt Sienna, and so, since I couldn't resist I said, "You're right: you do have a significant problem here which may last up to eight years, require much time, energy, and money to fix, and perhaps could cause irreparable harm. You have Trump's Disease, the orange color of the teeth being pathognomonic for same."
She looked at me in disbelief - that I actually came up with it on the spot - and we both burst out laughing.
You had to be there...
In 1980 I said that Reagan had early Alzheimer's
and everybody got on my case. Actually not quite everybody: those who had family members with it agreed with me. I am stating for the record that this guy has it as well. I've treated over forty thousand patients in my life and of those about three thousand i have treated long-term from age 50 on for up to thirty-eight years. I know what I see and I know what I hear and this is without question in my mind to a degree of medical certainty a case of dementia superimposed upon, among other diagnoses, malignant narcissism coupled with a few other conditions on other axes.
"Daddy, is that like a Shopping Center???"
I have said from the beginning that these creeps have taken a page from Mein Kampf. Actually, the whole book. Bunch of fucking Nazified sons-of-bitches, the only difference is that the Germans were much smarter and cleverer than this group of morans (sic).
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Gender: MaleHometown: Philly
Home country: USA!USA!USA!
Current location: Jersey Shore
Member since: Sun Feb 22, 2004, 09:01 AM
Number of posts: 26,346