quickesst's JournalHerschel Walker enters the field of politics..
If he loses, he is relegated to football history. If, and it's a big if he was to win, his handlers will have a full-time job manipulating the puppet strings.
Arkansas medical marijuana guest pass
This might be old news, I don't know, but I'm posting it anyway.
The difference between arkansas medical marijuana program and Louisiana,s is like night and day. The last purchase I made in Arkansas cost me $96, and a short 3-hour round trip. Tons more variety, and in store shopping. Just as a comparison I did the math on my local Louisiana dispensary where the same amount of a lesser quality would have cost me $238. The Doctor who approved my card for Louisiana was the person who turned me on to this program. It is well worth the drive and the cost for me. Arkansas has a medical marijuana program. Louisiana has a highway robbery program.
Other states in the country may have an agreement like this. You can check your state to see if it's available.
United States military versus Karen's Krack Kalvary....
This soldier's take on a response by the military to an armed insurrection on American soil has been my opinion also. They are simply too goddamn stupid to mount an effective assault against the military might of the United States. They also don't have the numbers. It might get a little dicey, but it's not something I sit around and wring my hands about.
Bonus Questions : at the moment the decision is made to begin the revolt, besides personal acquaintances they know to be Democrats, or left leaning people, who are they going to kill next?
When it comes down to facing someone they may have known for years, and politics aside, got along really well, or at least was a good neighbor, could they actually pull the trigger?
What about uniforms? The US Military has uniforms. The so-called revolutionaries? Maybe everyone could wear something red, but I'll bet you a roll of quarters that when confronted by the military you would think you are at a burlesque show. Maga hats and t-shirts will be flying.
How about armament? I will be the first to admit that given the right circumstances, organization, and people willing to kill, the insurrectionists would have a 50-50 chance against..... a force armed just as they are. Think about the accurate, pinpoint weaponry the United States military has at hand, not to mention hand to hand combat training. Saturday night bar fights don't count. Not even close. Game over.
Alan Jackson and George Strait -- Murder On Music Row* 100% Spot On
With few exceptions I would guess country music is about 90% in the grave.
Want to hear a good country song? Mark Chesnutt - Almost Goodbye
Country music. Usually tells a story. Sometimes sad, sometimes happy, and sometimes sad with a happy ending. This is one of those, and after 36 years of marriage, sometimes seriously rocky , this song hits kind of close to home.
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