a kennedy
a kennedy's JournalSomething Wisconsinites can be proud of: "UW-Madison alumni are big on the Peace Corps."
For the second year in a row, Wisconsin's flagship university tops the list of large schools providing volunteers to the Peace Corps, with 85 alumni currently volunteering worldwide.
This is the fourth year UW-Madison has ranked in the top five large universities providing Peace Corps volunteers.
"UW-Madison continues to have a strong and important partnership with the Peace Corps," said Chancellor Rebecca Blank in a university news release on Wednesday.
"For our school to be number one for the second year in a row speaks to this tradition and the commitment of our students to serving others," Blank said.
Full story here: http://host.madison.com/wsj/news/local/education/university/give-peace-corps-a-chance-uw-ranked-no-in-volunteers/article_078fc3df-7d0c-52d9-b333-6ea19afad5d8.html
USA vs Canada for gold medal in womens hockey on now NBC Sports Network.....
and what a history these two teams have. Last four Olympics the Canidans have won Gold, with the last match, 4 years ago, USA was up 2 goals, and within 5 minutes lost.....such a heart breaker. Theyre out for revenge this year. USA USA USA.
I remember when everyone smoked, and now its so looked down upon.....
May-be owning a gun will be looked down upon as well within the near future, I know apples to oranges.....just saying with all this heightened involvement and discussions, may-be just may-be Action will happen.
Lindsey Vonn won a meda in the downhilll and the oldest women to do it at 33
a bronze, but good for her.
Who makes you want to hurl more when theyre speaking.......
Vote here and add your own......but these two come the closest for me.
Will post this here as I cant find a movie thread....and we should have one.
Am watching The Best Man with Cliff Robertson and Henry Fonda.....very interesting. Any one see it??
Thought this interesting: received this from my health plan.....thought it was info re health, NOT.
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Gifts of Cash
Many people use their annual gift exclusion as part of an overall estate planning strategy. Read More
Income Tax Filing Requirements for Retirees
What are the IRS income tax filing requirements for seniors this year? I didn't file a tax return the past two years because my income was below the filing requirements, but I started working part-time late last year, so I am wondering if I am required to... Read More
Bequest of Insurance
Marla and Wayne purchased a life insurance policy many years ago to create security for their children's future. Read More
Tax Filing Season Opens Door to New Scam
As the tax filing season moves into high gear, tax scammers continue to develop new strategies. Read More
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How as a Country are we going to EVER come together?
Is it even possible? What has to happen? What type of situation would possibly make it happen? I am not aware enough or smart enough to even fathom that ever happening.
I thought all Americans got behind our athletes.......guess not.
New Winter Olympic sport: American 'fans' hating on American athletes who speak their mind
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