a kennedy
a kennedy's Journaland now it starts.....the destruction of front runner Joe Biden.....
Former Nevada Assemblywoman Lucy Flores published an op-ed in New York Magazines The Cut on Friday alleging that Joe Biden inappropriately kissed and touched her after he offered to help her with her 2014 campaign.
Sound familiar??? Kinda like the smear of Al Franken.
NCAA BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT......got my favorites
All big ten for sure.....Purdue, who did win tonight, Michigan, Michigan State need to win as well......
Yup.....he's got them all by the balls and pussys
theyre all white and in love with his bullshit. Watching on C-SPAN. I FAWKING DESPISE HIM.
Turtle man wants the judges in to block and dismantle Obamacare.....
He knows he cant get it through the House so theyre going to push through judges and dismantle it through the courts right? How can we stop that???
Keith Olberman IS ALIVE and doing Keith Olberman stuff.....
Who can forget former MSNBC political commentator Keith Olbermann's "Worst Person in the World" segment during his 2003-2011 show, "Countdown with Keith Olbermann?"
But today, perhaps Olbermann earned that title himself. Why?
It all started with Clarion Ledge outdoors writer Brian Broom writing a piece about a Mississippi hunter bagging a rare white turkey. The story has been extremely popular with Clarion Ledger readers.
Olbermann, no fan of guns or hunting, retweeted the story today to his 1.08 million followers with the following comment:
"It be rare and beautiful so me should kill it. This pea-brained scumbag identifies himself as Hunter Waltman and we should do our best to make sure the rest of his life is a living hell. And the nitwit clown who wrote this fawning piece should be fired."
I miss him so bad....we need him NOW.
Med protect one??? online doctors???
https://medprotectone.info So this is what our health care is going to become if Obamacare is dissolved??? Wonder who all has money in this business.
and thank gawd the Dems are in charge of the House.....if Repubs were, this whole
situation would be over. No House hearings, possibly no further judicial hearings etc. so thats a positive. Am trying to hang onto ANY positive vibes I can get.
So Tracy Morgan has a new show coming on TBS, I think.......does anyone else think
hes a waste of time?? I never thought he was all that, and never thought he was even that funny.
And Jimmel Kimmel......i'm starting to really enjoy this side of late night.....
ABC...Jimmy kimmel live...... he lets his guests talk...he knows how to interview. Stephen Colbert is not a good interviewer...its always about him.. the guest needs the time. Jimmy kimmel live is a better choice.
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