a kennedy
a kennedy's JournalYippie......my little yellow male birds, finches, are getting their beautiful
summer yellow feathers back. This makes me very happy.
Attention sleepers.......left side, right side, stomach or back......
which way do you sleep and actually which one is the best? I start out on my left side, end up on stomach. And I guess, its really to each their own eh??
I knew it.....Rose Garden again....so there will be no distractions of anyone behind him.
Yup, its the orange piece of shit show again. Sooooooooooo glad I wont be watching.
He was very tired off all the folks behind him getting attention with their facial
expressions and body movement.......he NEEDS to be the main attraction so we wont be seeing folks behind him anymore. Updates will be in the Rose garden from now on.
Ok.....watching movies...and I did laugh a lot through the bad moms movie.....
in one scene theyre talking about one moms boob log bra.
Ok, ok, I can stay at home to do my part......
I could never be a nurse.......I would NEVER put my life on the line for others like the nurses, doctors, truckers, and other essential people that ARE keeping our country going. Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the people that are keeping this country together. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Watching Jimmy Fallon's late night show.......
Hes very funny at home, and his kids, are so adorable.
Bill and Hillary send 400 pizzas to NY hospitals .....
With New York quickly becoming the new epicenter of the coronavirus crisis in the US, healthcare workers in the state have been working nonstop. Knowing that these heroes wouldn't have time to stop and grab a meal, one of New York's most famous couples -- Bill and Hillary Clinton-- stepped in to help.
This week, the Clintons sent over 400 pizzas to all the hospitals in their home county of Westchester "as a small token of their appreciation for everything medical professionals are doing for their communities," according to Angel Ureña, spokesman for President Clinton.
With a note that read, "Thank you for protecting our communities. From Bill and Hillary Clinton," 80 pizzas were delivered Wednesday evening to St. John's Riverside Hospital alone.
There are 50 MILLION people where this virus first started in China???
50 Million people???
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