CottonBear's JournalDeborah Gonzalez (D) Wins Athens-Clarke & Oconee (GA) District Attorney Race!
Progressive Democrat Deborah Gonzalez has made history! She is the first Latina to be elected District Attorney in Georgia!
Deborah Gonzalez Wins Athens District Attorney Race

by Blake Aued December 1, 2020
Progressive Democrat Deborah Gonzalez eked out a victory Tuesday over prosecutor James Chafin in a runoff for Western Circuit district attorney. Gonzalez won 51.7% of 26,100 votes cast in a race that split down county and party lines, despite Chafin running as an independent.
With a promise to reform the criminal justice system, fight discrimination and end cash bail for low-level and nonviolent defendants, Gonzalez won 67% of the vote in Clarke County, where she had 60% support in a three-way special election Nov. 3.
Chafins strong support in heavily Republican Oconee County, the other county that makes up the Western Circuit, continued in the runoff. He won 76% of the vote there and 48.3% overall.
However, Clarke County voters outnumber Oconee County voters by more than two to one, so Gonzalez was able to win even though her margin in Clarke was smaller than Chafins in Oconee, and the turnout rate in Oconee was higher than in Clarke.
This is an amazing victory for Deborah Gonzalez, a local Athens-Clarke County lawyer and former Democratic State House Representative! She is the first Latina woman to be elected a District Attorney in Georgia!
I have had the opportunity to meet Deborah on several occasions. I last spoke with her just before the November 3 special election, when I attended a downtown Athens Democratic rally to support Deborah Gonzalez, State House candidates Mokah Jasmine Johnson and Jonathon Wallace, and Congressional candidate Devin Pandy.
After longtime Western Circuit DA, Ken Mauldin (D) abruptly resigned last February, Gonzalez filed a lawsuit to overturn a state law that would have pushed the DA election to 2022. She won the lawsuit. The election became a special election because Mauldin resigned instead of serving out his term in office.
FYI: Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp (R-GA), is from Athens. Gov. Kemp and the GA GOP tried everything to keep the citizens of Clarke and Oconee counties from being able to hold an election for Western Circuit DA in 2020, but a tiny (under 5 tall!) Latina Democrat fought them and won!
Congratulations to Deborah Gonzalez (D-Athens-Clarke Co.), Western Circuit District Attorney!
When we vote, we win! 🗳🍑🗳🧒🏻🗳🍑🗳
Important dates/deadlines & links for the GA Senate runoffs on Jan 5 - volunteer-donate-GOTV 🗳🍑🇺🇸
🔵 Jan. 5, 2021 - Georgia US Senate Runoff Election
Registered Georgia voters can begin requesting absentee ballots now! Ballots will begin to be mailed out on November 18, 2020. Dont delay, request your ballot today! Return it directly to a secure, official drop box! Do not mail in your ballot!
Georgia residents can start requesting their absentee/mail-in ballot today if they don't want to vote in person at the polls. If you're a Georgia resident, make sure you're registered to vote here
then fill out an absentee/mail-in ballot request here
November 18, 2020: Absentee ballots will begin to be mailed out to those who requested one
December 7, 2020: Voter registration deadline
December 14, 2020: Early voting begins
January 5, 2021: Election Day
Reverend Raphael Warnocks campaign website:
Act Blue for Raphael Warnock:
Jon Ossoffs campaign website:
Act Blue for Jon Ossoff:
DU Act Blue for Ossoff, Warnock & Fair Fight (Thanks to DUer Omaha Steve!)
Adding klooks Vote Forward letters to voters link:
Fair Fight:
Go here to check your voter registration:
Go here to request an absentee ballot:
🚨 DA Candidate Deborah Gonzalez Update:
Special Election Runoff for Athens/Oconee Western Circuit DA Special Election will be on Dec. 1
🚨 BREAKING NEWS: 11/11/20
The Athens-Clarke County Board of Elections may not be able to change the date of the special election runoff for DA! I just got off the phone with an A-CC election official. The SoS press conference announcing the combination of the local & state runoffs with the US Senate runoff was a total surprise to them. This may be the case for the other special election runoffs in other races. Only the public service commission runoff is a regular election runoff.
🚨 11/11/20 I will update as information is available.
🚨 11/12/20 Update: Local & State Special Election runoffs will be on Dec. 1, 2020
State Public Service Commission runoff will be on Jan. 5, 2021
A reminder about the State & Local runoff election on December 1, 2020:
🍑 Hey yall! I know that every one is so excited about the dual US Senate runoffs, but we have a State & Local Special Election runoff on Tuesday December 1, 2020!
🍑 GOTV for these incredibly important Special Election runoffs, including the Western Circuit (Athens-Clarke County and Oconee County) District Attorney and the 5th Congressional District Special Election runoff, among others. Not every county and city will have a Dec. 1 runoff, so check with your local Board of Elections.
🍑 Remind your family, friends & neighbors to VOTE! 🗳
🍑 Please vote in the Georgia State & Local runoff election on Tuesday December 1, 2020!
🔵🗳🍑🇺🇸🍑🗳🔵. 🔵🗳🍑🇺🇸🍑🗳🔵
We can do this, yall! We can win the US Senate!
Register to vote! GOTV! Volunteer! Donate!
Make a plan to vote by absentee ballot, early voting or vote in person on Jan. 5, 2021!
We welcome the help of those of yall who live outside of Georgia!
We cant do it alone! Join us in our fight to restore our democracy and our nation!
🔵 🗳 🍑🇺🇸🍑 🗳 🔵 🍑 🔵 🗳 🍑🇺🇸 🍑 🗳 🔵
Im the new host for the DU Georgia Group! I live in beautiful Northeast Georgia.
Id like to thank groundloop for their service, as the previous group host.
I will pin this thread and Ill keep adding links and information on voting, donating, and volunteering for Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock!
🔵🗳🍑🇺🇸 GOTV, yall! 🇺🇸🍑🗳🔵
Prince Harry has never voted in the UK and can not in the USA.
His wife is an American citizen and his son has dual UK and American citizenship. However, Prince Harry has never voted in the UK due to royal tradition of not voting.
Election Countdown Clock ⏰ (link)
2020 US Presidential Elections
Its currently:
Time until Tuesday, November 3, 2020 (Washington DC, District of Columbia time)
Im counting the days. Each day is one day closer to the 2020 election.
It seems like an eternity.
U.S. Attorney considering charges against state officials in Arbery case, family's lawyers say
Justice Department officials want to know why it took so long to charge those responsible for Ahmaud Arbery's death, the family's attorneys said.
U.S. Attorney considering charges against state officials in Arbery case, family's lawyers say
Author: Michael King (11ALIVE)
Published: 6:53 PM EDT May 25, 2020
Updated: 1:22 AM EDT May 26, 2020
BRUNSWICK, Ga. According to attorneys for the family of Ahmaud Arbery, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Georgia told them last week that his office is now investigating why there was such a delay behind the arrests of the persons involved in the shooting death of Arbery.
The attorneys for Arbery's family, S. Lee Merritt, Benjamin Crump and L. Chris Stewart, released a joint statement on Monday evening:
"The mother and father of Ahmaud Arbery and their legal team met with officials from the Dept. of Justice late last week, including Bobby Christine, U.S. Attorney for the Southern District.
According to Mr. Christine, his office is investigating why it took so long to arrest the individuals responsible for Mr. Arbery's death. This would involve the consideration of both civil and criminal charges against state officials and other conspirators involved in the murder of Ahmaud Arbery.
We left that meeting feeling satisfied that the DOJ would do their part to fully investigate all players involved in this murder and that they would hold those responsible accountable."
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