ChiciB1's JournalNeed Some Info About CENLAR, A Company That...
my current mortgage is being handed over to. Last week there was a post by ms.smiler regarding problems with mortgages and started doing some research on mine.
Well, strange as it seems, today I got a letter in the mail saying that my mortgage is now going to be turned over to a company named CENLAR, Central Loan Administration & Reporting. I googled it and what I found is that this seems to be BAD NEWS! Almost all the comments were negative and frightening and it seems this is a situation I don't want to be in.
Anyone else having to deal with this? I thought we found a reputable bank when we refinanced, but I guess not. While I hate to go through all the loan process again, I'm seriously thinking that we should try to refinance again! Hate to do it, but what I read about them is very scary.
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Gender: FemaleHometown: Heinz 57... Army Brat
Home country: United States
Current location: Nokomis, FL, just south of Sarasota
Member since: Thu Oct 7, 2004, 10:26 PM
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