ChiciB1's JournalHaven't Posted In Some Time, But Not Seeing A Thread About
WHICH Democrats voted Yea today. DEBBIE WASSERMAN-SCHULTZ was one of them! Admittedly I NEVER liked her, I do live in Florida but she's the DNC Head and this is JUST WRONG!
I called Bill Nelson & her office, not the either care much.
Just Taking A Quick Look Here... Not In Depth
but have there been any threads about the fact that Debbie Wasserman-Schultz voted YEA today! Head of the DNC and I guess she just sold a little MORE of her soul for who knows what!!
Never liked her, never supported her and SOOOOOOOO hope she loses BIG TIME! And I DO live in Florida!!!
I'm supporting BERNIE! I HAVE supported him from the beginning and just got my email about where I can BUY stuff! This time I'm going to spend a bit more. There's one that says Vote For Bernie --- You know you wanna! I may have the total phrase wrong, but have that's the message!
HE said you shouldn't count him out, but he also said he doesn't have the money to win or the BIG BACKERS! So to all here who believe in his message and in him, we have get his message out and go to work! He's going to get a LOT OF BACKLASH because the Corporatists and Wall Street will be sharpening their LONG KNIVES!
Profile Information
Gender: FemaleHometown: Heinz 57... Army Brat
Home country: United States
Current location: Nokomis, FL, just south of Sarasota
Member since: Thu Oct 7, 2004, 10:26 PM
Number of posts: 15,435