ChiciB1's JournalWhy Many Bernie Supporters BELIEVE Bernie Isn't Over...
This is a reply I made earlier today and I have renewed energy now.
Talked With TWO Bernie Groups For Several Hours Today...
Have to say THE FIGHT IS STILL STRONG! And there's a general consensus that I've thought about for quite some time now. WE just do not understand why it is that Bernie has rallies that attracts many thousands of people AND THAT he continually raises money after each election. AND yet for some reason this phenomena doesn't transfer over to voting. It's hard to explain WHY. He still has THE ENTHUSIASM going for him, his positive numbers are so much better than Hillary's, she's viewed as a person who will change her position simply to garner support and most importantly she's been shown to LIE so much of the time. After each lie we see evidence showing this within hours or less. Too many people simply don't really have confidence that she'll govern the way she says she will. Too many people have no doubt she's going to RULE much differently than what's she hawking about now. She's giving "Bernie" speeches these days and her supporters aren't even able to recognize this simple fact.
Hard to mesh this against her ability to win. None of us have a good answer to this, BUT there's something else we've begun to feel and the reason we WON'T stop our support and will work for Bernie. There IS A FEELING, whether it comes out or not that something big could very well happen that will UNVEIL the real Hillary. Bernie keeps talking about the transcripts and this is an issue that hasn't gone away and I think there MUST be something there. The question is WHY? There's almost 7 months to go.
It's OUR job to keep donating and supporting Bernie. This is no time for giving up because he has done something NONE of our current elected officials have had the cohones to do for many, many years. Even if he doesn't become the nominee HIS MESSAGE and HIS MOVEMENT is very much ALIVE!
He may not have won yesterday, but he still gained delegates and he's still says HE'S NOT GOING AWAY!
Just wanted to relate what I've heard so far today and it's helped me feel SO MUCH BETTER! Keep Feelin' The Bern, we may not HAVE TO vote for a person most of us feel WON'T represent what we feel deep in our bones.
There IS A REASON BERNIE has come to us now. Maybe it's as simple as resurrecting DEMOCRACY in America! We aren't giving up, WE STILL BELIEVE!
You can add your replies if you want, but I only wanted to put this out here.
Heard Sherrod Brown Was On Either MSNBC Or CNN This A.M. And
was talking about how Hillary has such a GREAT Trade Policy that she's adopted and that's why he's supporting her.
WELL about 30 minutes ago I heard on Thom Hartmann's Show that the "inside the beltway" as per "Goats For The Old Goats" that he's ACTUALLY being considered as a running mate for HILLARY! Wasn't Victoria Jones who said it, but the other woman he has on from there all the time. Can't remember her name, but she reports for them. THEY have some extremely good inside track news all the time.
So Now I See Why He's has gone all RAH, RAH for Hillary! Not that this stuff doesn't happen all the time... but I was fooled again! I thought he was one of the Good Democrats who stood with us! I knew he came out to support her early on, and was disturbed at that time, but TODAY OF ALL DAYS it's getting reported! Sheered Brown OF OHIO! Thanks DUDE... NOT!
WOW, guess this was PLANNED some time ago by The Clinton Machine! Roll out Sherrod Brown on Primary Day! I'm seeing RED like I've never seen it before.
Sherrod Brown, Howard Dean and so many more! No way I'll remain a Democrat after this election. Not only do I feel FORCED to vote for Hillary should she win the Primary, NOW I have to wade through crap like this from people I DID think would stand with us!
I've had it!
Sorry if this has been posted already... My head just exploded and my dislike for Hillary just grew so large I can't even put it into words!
Never in my life have I even considered leaving The Democratic Party until this election. Depending on what happens in November I'm OUT! You can attack me all you want, but I've been stabbed one too many times!!
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