BlueGreenLady's JournalPhilipIttner's Update from Ukrain on HalSparks Radio Program MegaWorldWide
It's livestreaming now
Deal of the Century - Hal Spark's MegaWorldWide
Hal's batting back at the RW grouching about Brittney Griner
Ukrainian Update from Phillip Ittner on Hal Sparks MegaWorldWide
Starting at the 30 minute mark Hal gets the inside info from Phillip Ittner reporting on Ukrainian drone strikes in Russia.
Here's Dylan Hollis's best Peanut Butter Bread.
Wait for the 3rd segment for his winning recipe. I love his "Gentles and Ladymen" signature sign off.
You can also watch his YouTube Shorts for many old time recipes.
Hal 'n Stephanie: TOO FUNNY! Trump Scared of Smith. Palin Loses Again, & Walker vs Reid
Phillip Ittner Reporting from Ukraine
Phillip relates that Ukrainians are willing to endure heat, light and water deprivation in order to outlast the Russian invasion.
Ain't Nobody Gonna Slow Hal Sparks Down
Hal Sparks RPM: I am addicted to listening to Hal counter right wing BS in real time.
Waiter there's a hair in my soup.
GQP: It fell out of Hunter Biden's laptop.
Sorry for my odd attempts at sarcastic humor this early in the morning. I fear the next 2 years are going to be nothing but Hunter Biden laptop conspiracies that I will be trying to ignore.
Philip Ittner Reports from Ukraine
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Name: DawnGender: Female
Hometown: Iowa
Home country: USA
Current location: In the sunroom.
Member since: Fri Oct 15, 2004, 08:28 AM
Number of posts: 2,868