BlueGreenLady's JournalRed State Update
Yesterday, my nephew in law brought his 10 year old son over to my folks back yard to practice target shooting his new bb gun in their back acre. His own yard being to small and close to neighbors.
Today several of the menfolk relatives are going out target practicing at the gun club here in this rural red state. Apparently, some received new rifles for Christmas.
Just wondering what all the men folk in blue states will be doing?
Also wondering if I should buy a gun for self-defense, but don't want to give business to Red Corporations.
Also, I'm afraid I might accidentally shoot myself in the foot or worse.
Just living in the real red world.
Odds makers: 2017 Congressional raise??
What are the odds that the 2017 Congress will give itself a 27% raise as reward for cutting Social Security by 27%?
(Do DU bylaws forbid gambling?)
Moscow Mules seem popular this season...
I noticed while shopping yesterday that copper cups to make Moscow Mules were displayed front and center in several stores. Also noted that the bar I ate made a great Moscow Mule. In past years most bars did not have a clue what a Moscow Mule was, if I ordered one. Does this surge of Moscow Mule popularity mean anything?
Re the tRump Putin connection?? Discuss. Or not.
Dishonest Election - Why bother voting? Video at Alternet
Can this Democracy be saved?
Video from Alternet:
Watch Wisconsin Election Officials Reject Hand Counts After Electronic Scanners Make Big Mistake
Profile Information
Name: DawnGender: Female
Hometown: Iowa
Home country: USA
Current location: In the sunroom.
Member since: Fri Oct 15, 2004, 08:28 AM
Number of posts: 2,861