Tommymac's JournalThe Vietnam Generation is getting fragged from both ends.
50,000+ young Americans died in the 10+ years of the Vietnam War. Countless more have suffered and died from wounds, exposure to deadly chemical defoliants, and broken hearts.
27,000+ (Official body Count) have died so far in 2 months in 2020, and the projections for the 'Official' Death Toll may reach 70,000; a large percentage of that number is from the very same Vietnam Generation. (Only Satan knows the TRUE Numbers including those who die from C-19 while not in the hospitals.)
They got fucked over and killed due to the incompetence and callousness of their Government when they were in their youth.
They are getting fucked over and dying due to the incompetence and callousness of their Government now that they are in their 'Golden Years'
This is a true American tragedy. Hope some filmmaker or writer or internet blogger takes up this meme and gives them their due sympathy, respect, compassion, and HONOR.
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