PowerToThePeople's JournalI agree.
Neo-liberal and neo-conservative are two terms used to describe the same political ideology.
Question submitted by PowerToThePeople
Question submitted by PowerToThePeople
It's been almost 15 years
since the fascist coup of this nation's government in 2000. This cycle we have an opportunity to elect someone who has the needs of the average citizen in mind. All the powers of the oligarchs and fascists are working tirelessly to stop this. The media bias and DWS games are just the tip of the iceberg. They have many more nefarious tools in their chest to use.
Do not relent.
Nothing over the top
If you support the current status quo, you support fascism.
Sanders is against the status quo and therefore against fascism. He has my vote.
She knows
Divert, deflect, distract. That is third way dems (ie Replublican) standard mode of operation. These issues with Democratic right wingers have just as much chance of resolution as congress comming together for a progressive agenda.
OffshoringCustomer: "I would like to buy your product"
Owner: "That will be 10 dollars."
Customer: "Sounds Good."
Owner: "Will you build me this product?"
Employee: "Sure, I just need to be paid enough to feed and house my family, and a little to save for the future."
Owner: "Sounds good."
Employee delivers product to owner, owner delivers to customer and collects 10 dollars.
Owner: "Here is your dollar."
Employee: "Thank you."
Owner thinks, "I need more money, what can I do? I can't raise my prices or my customer will go elsewhere. I know, I'll offshore my labour."
Owner offshores labour.
Customer: "I would like to buy your product"
Owner: "That will be 10 dollars."
Customer: "Sounds Good."
Owner: "Will you build me this product?"
Foreign based Employee: "Sure, I just need to be paid enough to feed and house my family, and a little to save for the future."
Owner: "Sounds good."
Foreign based Employee delivers product to owner, owner delivers to customer and collects 10 dollars.
Owner: "Here is your dime."
Foreign based Employee: "Thank you."
Former Employee: "What about me? I have built products for you for years and I have nothing now."
Former Employer: "Find some bootstraps you fucking lazy pile of shit!"
Profile Information
Gender: Do not displayHometown: Urban Wasteland
Home country: Slave States of Wall Street Oligarchs
Current location: JackpineRadicals.com
Member since: Thu Dec 23, 2004, 03:52 AM
Number of posts: 9,610