angstlessk's JournalSlowly I turned, then step by step, inch by inch
I discovered if one combines all my postings here one can discover my life from beginning to it's current nadir.
Whoda thought?
When people used to go shopping at a mall
there was a tree from which one could pick a wish and fulfill it by putting the gift under the tree, to be delivered to the wisher.
Where does one go now to help those in need for a gift?
What do you call a masturbating cow?
Beef strokin off
FOR SALE Stuff I bought for hubby, but was never used
PlayStation 4 Pro 1TB Console
Click image to open expanded view
The Last of Us Remastered - PlayStation 4
Battlefield 1 - PlayStation 4
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Game of the Year Edition - PC
Also have a drone never flown, and maybe never out of the box.
Holy Stone F181C RC Quadcopter Drone with HD Camera RTF 4 Channel 2.4GHz 6-Gyro with Altitude Hold Function,Headless Mode and One Key Return Home, Color Black
The entire time trump was resident at 1600 Penn. Ave
I think I posted maybe 20 or so posts, since Biden won, I have been on a spree of comments, and I love it!
I'm an old woman now, but wonder if I missed
out on my life.
One thing I remember my mother telling me is that the only time she wanted her daughter to die is if she was a lesbian..
Didn't mean much to me at the time, but.
I was raped at eleven, and because I accepted beer from my rapists my mother blamed me for being raped. I turned into nymphomaniac..not that I enjoyed sex, I had it with anyone willing.
Then I joined AA and met a group of gay women, with whome I had sex with one.
I never had friends, but I enjoyed their friendship.
I left AA and that was the end of my gay encounters, though I think they were where I belonged, as I never felt like I belonged any where else.
I just wish I went with my instincts, rather than my mothers hatred.
I' not a regular, but this is like dueling banjos
between mahatmakanejeeves and Glamrock
Ya know who I feel sorry for? Joe Biden!
Every American is looking for him to cure all that ails America, individually.
Fix healthcare, fix racism, clean the planet,etc., all while reaching out to repubs, who desire him to fail, to fix our divide,
An impossible mandate.
What if those two Democrats in GA prevail?
The Senate is now 50/50 who is the 'majority leader?
Where are the hoards of lawyers Biden has?
Is it just defense?
Where are they when hoards of repub activists are trying to intimidate vote counters?
Where are the Democratic lawyers?
Profile Information
Gender: FemaleHometown: Norfolk VA
Current location: Detroit MI
Member since: Fri Feb 11, 2005, 01:08 AM
Number of posts: 11,862