truedelphi's JournalHere are the stats for how Americans died in 2014:
Ebola -- One
Snake Bites -- Two
Rabies -- Two
ISIS -- Three
Drone Strikes -- Five
Playing Football -- Twelve
Cow attacks -- Twenty
Police attacks -- One Thousand Plus!!
[h2][font color=blue]
And Marijuana overdoses - Zero
[/h2][/font color=blue]
No Elected Official can be for both ending the impact of humans on Global Climate Change & also for
The Trans Pacific Plan.
The President came out last week for the TPP. (No surprise there - he has been one of the major architects of getting it passed, and of getting it passed quickly.)
But then this week he is all about ending the human equation side of Global Climate Change?
What a bit of forked tongue tomfoolery!
Has no one explained to him that when American jobs in manufacturing go over to third world nations, those third world workers do not have any environmental regulations in place? (This is one of the cost saving reasons that America's One Percent so highly favor basing our needed manufacturing in those third world nations.)
Anyway, I suspect the Great Speechifier knows all of this full well, but he wants that Quid Pro Quo.
Visual Studio released for Linux users: a very few words, Australian media explains why the rush to get the TPP
Passed as quickly as possible:
Sydney Morning Heralsd
Increasing the pace is the imminent US election season. If there isn't an agreement within the next few months before it starts, political positioning will prevent the US sealing a deal until 2017 when the new president is in place.
####The powers that be know that the election season for Nov 2016 will shed a lot of light on the darkness of this "Trade Act."
On my business website, we have a special button that people click
To obtain some of our services.
A lady in Europe claims that the email link provided never works for her, yet none of our American clients ever have any complaints.
So my question:
Is it more difficult for a European to get through to an American business using the business' standard link?
Any and all answers appreciated.
Will candidate Bernie Sanders recognize the dangers of medicinal cannabis?
Apparently vast segments of the American population, and this probably includes Mr Sanders, do not understand some of the previously unrecognized dangers of medicinal pot:
While some in the Utah Legislature are now seeking to legalize medicinal cannabis, the DEA is pointing to some unrecognized dangers of marijuana, and hoping Utah's legislators come to their senses.
What are these dangers? Here is one headline, and it sounds pretty "Saturday night at the Fright Night drive in" --
The attack of the Stoned Bunnies!
-----> Full article at above link.
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