truedelphi's JournalAny Bernie Supporters in Nevada? 38 more signatures are needed:
Investigation needs to go forward.
Super-duperly duper efficient News Team in Indiana announces results of May 3rd Primary there!
How about it? These guys are really on the ball, aren't they?
Apparently there is no need to even wait til November, if we follow this news team, we will know by August who wins in November!
Oh, c'mon now! There are other
Questions as well.
Why is it that some of the truly liberal members of Congress have their panties in a knot over the
on going voter suppression and the "non-openness" of the Primary system in the USA?
Various tactics are being discussed to end these repressive means.
Representatives included the dean of the House and ranking member of the Judiciary Committee, John Conyers, and longtime civil rights champion Elijah Cummings. Others who made passionate and sometimes angry statements included Representatives G. K. Butterfield (co-chair of the Congressional Black Caucus), Sheila Jackson Lee, Terri Sewell, Maxine Waters, Marc Veasey, Alma Adams and Hank Johnson.
The briefing's sponsors, the National Election Defense Coalition and the Transformative Justice Coalition, support the urgent call for a new legislative agenda and political fusion movement to protect democracy, restore voting rights and ensure that every ballot cast is also counted in a secure, public, transparent process.
"There is a very insidious, treacherous and deceitful method of voter suppression, and it has to do with the integrity of the voting process itself."
Rep. Hank Johnson (D-Georgia) brought much needed attention to a crucial aspect of the election crisis: the aging, hackable voting technology used nationwide. Johnson cited the fact that the vote-counting software in these machines is still programmed by a cadre of private companies on proprietary software inaccessible to elections officials and the public.
"There is a very insidious, treacherous and deceitful method of voter suppression," stated Johnson, "and it has to do with the integrity of the voting process itself."
#### Furthermore, there is at least one class action lawsuit underway in an attempt to remedy the loss of voter rights that went on in NY state in that state's recent Primary.
Because of a class action lawsuit challenging the non-openness of the New York Primary, it
could be that the situation is deemed unconstitutional. As a Californian who is out there registering my progressive brothers and sisters to vote as a Democrats in The June California Priamry, and we have until May 11th to do so, I think it is a very good question as to why the NY declaration of party affiliation is set up to end so spectacularly early in the process.
My belief is that, regardless of the outcome of any lawsuits, the closed primary system has increasing come under scrutiny this season.
And, because of the class action lawsuit challenging the non-openness of the New York Primary, it could be that the situation is deemed unconstitutional.
And how do we stop this? Voters in both Pennsylvania and California are plagued
By Big Industry going ahead and fracking.
Former Governor Ed Rendell, a "D" supposedly to his core, agreed to sell out his constituents as the negatives around the fracking industry are as yet not totally proven.
And he now heads up an important division of a Texas Energy firm. So what if Pennsylvanians no longer can trust what is in their water supply? Rendell got his Quid Pro Quo.
Same in California. Oh, Governor Brown did issue a statement against fracking, but it was one of the more impotent statements to ever come out of his lips. His words went to the effect of "Well, just what could I do about it?"
Meanwhile the agencies in California that are connected with water supply have rammed rate increases up the rear ends of the citizens. Use a little too much water in summer months, and you could face exorbitant fines. Even if it turns out to be a rather innocent use of the water, such as a leak in your pipes that you didn't know about.
But somehow no one in Sacramento knows how to fine these Big Polluters and Big Water Wasters?
A group auditing the Chicago election audit group found this disturbing situation:
big vote switcheroo so Hillary gains 49 votes and meanwhile Bernie has 21 votes erased.
I just saw on my computer screen that I need to talk with a Microsoft technician immediately
There was a message inside a special dialogue box that stated that a serious error was occurring from my IP address, and that only by calling 571 620 0122 could the matter be resolved.
Supposedly this is a message that is internally generated?
I am having computer problems. For example, earlier today, I could read posts but not any OP's, as the OP's all had Lines (like school notepaper lines) and without ANY text, so I couldn't tell what the OP actually said, only the responses.
The message (supposedly from Microsoft) read: need to debug browser spyword 895 system 32.exe
Any one know if I am now being scammed? I haven't called the number yet, and won't do so til people here and my computer tech give me the Big A-Okay..
Does anyone here know of Foster Care Advocacy groups? (People trying to reform Foster Care)
I would love to find the names of several decent organizations that are involved with Foster Care and reforms.
Also a decent Illinois based Civil Rights attorney.
Thanks in advance.
So here the public has a gazillion documents, put together by an interconnected web of over
One hundred news outlets, and yet I can still turn on CBS, NBC, ABC and/or PBS on my TV and all I will hear about is Trump, Cruz, Hillary, Bernie and maybe a story about someone's cutely trained dog or cat or macaw.
American journalism, where art thou?
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Name: CarolGender: Do not display
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