sarge43's JournalPutin handed military analysts around the world intell gold.
Old play books are being shredded and new ones written. They'll be filed under A Big Ole List of Fuck Ups You Do Not Want to Make.
Seems to be a pattern
Barracks legend: One dark and stormy night some of the boys, either ammo or civil engineers, got lit and decided it would be shits and grins to streak the WAF barracks. They talked the omega male of the pack into doing the deed. Pack took Buck Naked to the barracks and turned him loose. He got through about half of the first floor before Charlie's Angels showed up and trapped him in an utility closet. Armed with bunk stackers and ball bats Angels informed him he might score a medical discharge. Fortunately for Buck cooler heads prevailed and SPs removed him from harm's way. Rumor had it that he left the fly force and joined a strict monastery.
80% of human activity can be summed up by "It seemed like a good idea at the time."
In the Chickenhawk Corps, it's Captain Corporal and Lieutenant Private.
"With her fancy shaved arm pits, Marjorie brought a certain air of sophistication to the dog fights."
Thanks ItsjustMe.
Air support n/t
Thanks for posting these organizations
Not everyone has a Twitter account.
All of DU should kick in. It's the least we can do.
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Member since: Sat Jan 7, 2006, 06:56 PM
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