nxylas's JournalAn unorthodox Orthodox financial system
Disclaimer: I'm not familiar with either the author or the website that this article comes from. I present it without comment:-
A serious question for Martin O'Malley supporters: who are you?
Please believe me when I say that I mean no disrespect to you or your candidate when I ask that. It's just that the narrative regarding Hillary v Bernie is fairly clear. To put it broadly, in the least inflammatory way that I can, Hillary appeals to more establishment Dems and Bernie to those on the left of the party. But I am still trying to figure out what distinguishes Mr O'Malley from the other two candidates, or what section of the Democratic Party he appeals to. So I figured the best way to find out was to ask.
Building the movement
Bernie has made it very clear that he doesn't want to be seen as some sort of messiah. And whilst I don't want to catapult the propaganda about Hillary's inevitability, we have to at least consider the possibility that Bernie may not be the next POTUS. Therefore, I wanted to start a thread on building an alternative economy that can function whoever is in the White House at any given time. I found this article on a traditionalist Catholic website, and whilst most of us here are not part of the intended audience, I thought it contained some useful information nonetheless. I hope that others will chime in with additional solutions to reclaim the American economy from the oligarchs.
Profile Information
Name: Nick XylasGender: Male
Hometown: Bristol
Home country: England
Current location: Bristol
Member since: Sat May 13, 2006, 06:28 PM
Number of posts: 6,440