rgbecker's JournalThanksgiving is done, time to start the Christmas Wars.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=ln01p1M2cH0"Which side are you on boys, which side are you on?"
Slate.com does a funny about websites.
Given all the trouble with the Obamacare website, we wondered why Americas biggest Internet companies havent volunteered to help fix it. (OK, Microsofts Internet Explorer team did, sort of, in a recent Tweet, which they then deleted.) Surely Google, Facebook, Yahoo, Amazon, or Microsoft could design a more reliable site than the tangle of federal contractors who have bungled healthcare.gov. On the other hand, we can also envision a few drawbacks. Heres how we imagine the site might look if each of those companies tried their hand at remaking it in their own images.
Survey from the Democratic National Committee.....WTF?
Listed 16 issues they wanted me to rank as to importance.
On list: worried about North Korea.
Not on list: Climate Change, environmental concerns.
I'm going with Sanders and socialists.
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