madamesilverspurs's JournalAn alternative to bumper stickers
These are made to be copied, printed, and displayed in car window or on the dashboard.-
Effing hypocrites.
Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R - WA) just spoke in the House in support of the latest GOP effort to repeal ACA. She echoed many of her party colleagues when she wailed about how awful it would be for the gubmint to get between patients and their doctors. Does she honestly believe we have not noted the umpteen times that the GOP has inserted itself between female patients and their doctors??? The combination of mendacity and hubris is repulsive in the extreme. Gag.
Firefighters Smack Romney Following Colorado Campaign Swing
Wed Jul 11, 2012 at 10:04:41 AM MDT
After GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney made it out of fire-ravaged Colorado yesterday, without having to answer questions about prior campaign-trail statements disparaging calls for "more firefighters," a press release this morning from Aurora firefighters via the Colorado AFL-CIO brings the issue to the fore--hitting both Romney, and Colorado congressional Republicans who have voted to cut firefighting and other public safety funds since 2010.
more at link
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He was just on Andrea Mitchell's show. He pretty much confirmed that prevarication is Priority One in the Romney campaign.
Occupying the 4th
BIG parade this morning! And, yes, our Occupy group actually got permitted to be in the parade. We were slotted about two-thirds into the lineup, and the parade organizers positioned us right smack dab between the Republicans and Democrats. What a hoot! The Dems had a great float, lots of people riding or walking alongside; the float celebrates the diversity of our area, with "Yes, we can!" and "Si, se puede!" side by side, with somewhat smaller signs with the same phrase in other languages.
Then came Occupy.
To our great delight, we got applause all along the parade route. That's saying something in this very red part of the state.
Next came the Republicans. Er, The Republican. One man attired in Revolutionary War military uniform (beautifully made, by the way), riding a flag=festooned Harley. He was so closely following the Occupiers that the crowd seemed to think he was part of us, until he wised up and held back a bit.
It was interesting, as always, to watch the crowd respond to the various parade entrants. Two entrants from the oil/gas industry received small and quiet applause. There was a modicum of enthusiasm for the OFA team and some Democratic candidates for state offices. But the most telling, at least for me, was the response to the Romney team: They carried a large banner reading "Colorado is Romney Country". Given that we're still under a blanket of smoke and ash, Romney's words about firefighters have been echoing around the state. The Romney team walked to utter silence from the crowd.
Have a great holiday, everyone!
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