cachukis's JournalFrustration: managing the ignorant.
Watching that fellow Joe Kent in southwest Washington,
I was taken by an interview with Brian Eno about LARPing. We LARPed back in the day, but it was play.
It appears that it is a much more real practice in the Republican party today.
Monty Pythonesque.
Live action role playing.
Watched Steve Rattner at the end of his discussion
on Morning Joe. He seemed to revel in being right about his prediction that we were heading to inflation. He of course blamed the Fed and Biden for the excessive money added to the economy. Joe chirped in that he was saying this all along.
Neither mentioned that much of the money was destined for those most in need, nor did they opine on how the system is rigged for the rich to extract those monies from the system. They did not discuss how that rigged system has contributed to inflation.
All so they could pay themselves on the back. Joe Scar is not our friend.
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